Fishing Forum

Full Version: Gator, Chickamauga, Crappie, 10/26/09, My son Dewayne
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My son came down from Franklin Tn. to fish with ole dad and we started about 11:30 am and stopped at 5:30 pm.<br />Our plan was to catch some supper and we did but it was not really easy today. The weather was perfect and the current was not bad either but the fish were hitting more subtle that I've ever seen before. We shot docks in water from 3ft to 15 ft deep. Most of our catch came in less than 10 ft of water with many in 5ft range. We used the same thing as always 1/32oz jigs with stubby butts and panfish assassins along with some BG Shads, however the stubby butts did better today as long as they were shad colors dipped in chartruce dye. We ended up with 20 crappie and 13 keepers (for supper) also about 12 or 15 nice blue gills that we didn't keep. The largest crappie is pictured and it weighed 1lb 5 oz on my cheap scales. It was definitely a great day to be on the water, we plan to go again Wednesday after a day of golf tomorrow. It's really great to have him in for a while. Also, I ran into John Faulkner at HB ramp as he was putting in the same time as we did. Great to see you John and lets go sometime soon. <br />Friday is his birthday ........... HAPPY BIRTHDAY John! emoAngler