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Full Version: Duck Hunters and dog owners!!!!!
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My 4 yr old lab was just diagnosed with botulisim. We hunted this last weekend on the refuge and he "found" a dead bird and before I could stop him he ate it.

Monday my wife called to ask if Bernie had gotten hurt while I was out hunting. I said no and she said that he was using his front legs to pull himself around. I told her to take him to the Vet and they took blood samples and kept him overnight. Today they told me he has botulisim and sent him home.

He still cannot walk and it my take 2+ weeks before he is OK.

Bernie is a large 100lb lab and that is probably why he is still alive.

So if you hunt or walk your dog near the water do not let them handle or eat any thing they find.
I feel your pain nothing worse then family member in pain. Over the summer my dog got lawn chemicals in his eyes The condos sprayed the lawns for weeds and didn't tell anyone. One eye went all white and he risked going fully blind. Couple weeks later he started to recover thank god hope your dog does the same.

[Image: cocoeye.jpg]
gd man, i hope eveything gos ok, i know how a dog can be a part of the family!
That is good to know. My dog has been acting goofy since the opener. Really stiff in the rear legs. I will have to get her checked out. And yes, she brought back many birds that were dead already.
Good to know Pete. Hopefully the cold weather will put the smack down on the jiz.
Update on my dog.

It took 3 1/2 weeks but he has made a full recovery.

He is still down about 15lbs(his hunting weight is about 100lbs) but he ready to be out hunting again.

Thanks for all of your concerns about him.
Thanks for the update Pete. Glad he pulled out of it.