10-27-2009, 10:30 PM
My 4 yr old lab was just diagnosed with botulisim. We hunted this last weekend on the refuge and he "found" a dead bird and before I could stop him he ate it.
Monday my wife called to ask if Bernie had gotten hurt while I was out hunting. I said no and she said that he was using his front legs to pull himself around. I told her to take him to the Vet and they took blood samples and kept him overnight. Today they told me he has botulisim and sent him home.
He still cannot walk and it my take 2+ weeks before he is OK.
Bernie is a large 100lb lab and that is probably why he is still alive.
So if you hunt or walk your dog near the water do not let them handle or eat any thing they find.
Monday my wife called to ask if Bernie had gotten hurt while I was out hunting. I said no and she said that he was using his front legs to pull himself around. I told her to take him to the Vet and they took blood samples and kept him overnight. Today they told me he has botulisim and sent him home.
He still cannot walk and it my take 2+ weeks before he is OK.
Bernie is a large 100lb lab and that is probably why he is still alive.
So if you hunt or walk your dog near the water do not let them handle or eat any thing they find.