Thought I would start a new thread dedicated to letting people post when and where they are steelheading this year and maybe meet up w/ other BFTers. Figured it was a good idea since one of my threads got hijacked for just that purpose[

] (don't mind actually, just thought this would be more appropriate).
If someone is planning on heading somewhere to target the metalheads and want to meet up w/ someone or invite people to join them or even plan a get together, just post dates and location here. People interested can chat back and forth and PM from there to settle details.

] Caught my first steelhead on wednesday morning right at Shoup. I had hooked a couple others earlier but lost them. People were catching fish all up and down the river. I'm heading back up there on the 9th of November. If anyone is going to be up there I would like to meet up w/ you and fish w/ you if you don't mind.
I will be at Cove Creek camped this weekend. Redbeard1 will be going Nov. 13ish and I will be going then or the next weekend. Anyone is welcome to let us know and we can do some fishin'. I'm thinking my Nov. trip will be alone, so if one or two want to float just let me know, maybe we can work out a trip.
I'm headed to fish the boise this weekend will probably fish around americana area maybe up to barber park ... When I talked to fish and game today they told me they will be moving steelhead into the boise every thursday for the next 4 to 6 weeks.... Good luck all
were are they bringing the fish from? i didnt think they started trucking them until they hit the hatcherys which is usualy spring?
They stock them in Oct - Nov, at least that's been the way for the past several years.
Fished in town (between BSU and Barber park) - tons of anglers - didn't see anyone else hook a steelie, but I managed to hook 3. Landed 1, first one rolled off almost immediately - last fish ran straight for the bottom and I think made contact with the river bottom when she came un-hooked. Other one fought very well and was a blast on a 6 wt rod. Fishing was pretty good - but most guys were throwing bait or fishing giant flies - I downsized and it seemed to pay off.
I think they take the fish from Hells Canyon - waiting for fish to reach the hatchery would mean that only super tired fish would get into the river - and that would prob mean a low survival rate after being transported.
Tight Lines!
i must not of been aware that they truck them up in the fall. I would like to know if they arnt taking them from the hatcherys how they are doing it, without harrasing the wild fish. those fish have come 600 pluss miles i imagine they are already fairly tired [

], but thats why they say there the strongest genetic fish in the world. I am guessing there is a hatchery somewere up there that gets a few fall steelies taht return early.
they pull the fish from hells caynon fished the boise today not many people on the river cuz of the game cought 1 there for about three hours but of trout to
Hey guys,
I am thinking of heading up to do some steelhead fishing this week...
I live in Rexburg, so where do ya'll think would be the best/closest place to try? Somewhere around Salmon?
Also, if you know, will there be any snow in the area? (As I don't have 4 wheel drive

I would head up to Shoup area and should'nt need 4 wheel drive. Pavement all the way up.
Are there any particular places I should fish in the Shoup area? Or should I just look for the people? haha...
I have no idea what I'm doing, so I'm just gonna wing it and try to catch one..
we could tell you holes but unless you know were they are its not goign to do alot of good, probly better off looking for the crowds or asking at the northfork gas station, or shoup store.
Yeah, asking would probably be best...
If anybody has a free day Thursday, I think I am going to head down to Shoup and try my luck at some steelies.
Let me know if you're interested...PM me or hit me back on here..
Were you using flies and if so which if you don't mind telling you can send it privately if you want.. I didn't get down yesterday but will be tomorrow for sure... I have heard yarn has been productive... thanks
I think I will go over on friday night to the Shoup area. The first trip in 3 years. The weather looks to be great. I live north of Rexburg.
dont be scared to go below shoup you should beable to find fish all over my buddy did awsome below the middle fork friday and i will be rollin in late thur night and after emm hard till sun afternoon.good luck ash
I'll be headed up to the salmon 5-10 Nov. might start in the little salmon if I can, have to check regs. will fish Riggins area for a few days and if not good will head north on the salmon. I will be in Riggens 6-8 at least. Will be in a diesel 4 door white Ford hauling a cargo trailer. Yes that's our sleeping quarters [:/]
My buddy from Maine and another guy will be with me but want to meet up with some of you guys.
Redbeard, I had to cancel on you and your bro last spring and that sucked, so I hope you guys can make it. The invite is open so you are all welcome. Can treat you to some elk steaks si if your hungry stop by...
Hey great idea, last fall I suggested we all get hats made so we could see a fellow BFT member on the water. Sounds kinda gay I know but if we had a way to detect each other I think we'd be supprized just how many of us share the same water...
well i have been trying to make it up every weekend sense the frirst of october but it looks like this is the weekend we are going to go up friday night i believe and come back moday night. we will be at our family campground just up colston creek (just up the small creek from the M. T. Saloon) not sure for sure but we will be in a red stroker with TNT construction on the side. If any of you are down that way and would like to meet up or go have a beer at the saloon send me a message, or stop by the truck.
We will be there and will try to find you for a beer or 5...lets hope the fishin is on!