Me and my son hit the nelle at 6:30 this morning,
A little slow at first light but picked up a little later,
Nothing real big but did stick one brown that was around 4 to 4.5 # also stuck three more that where a little smaller,
Also got in to the bows also okay size ??
No trophy Browns yet this year but still trying HAHAHA!!!!
Off the water by 1:00 pm.

PS next time in will use a tape-measure on all FISH picture's
LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you measure how long it was? Thanks for the pics. Pretty brown!!
Nice catch. [

Nice report with pictures. That first one has some great color. Were they all caught trolling or casting or both?
Me and my son scaled him on two different scales.
he was between a little over 4 on the old scale and 4.5 on the new scale,
I fish for trophy anyway So to me he is a little buck ,
The brown was a fat little boy and maybe the picture does not show it but that was what he was,
Oh and no I didn't measure him [

Hey WH , Thanks
We only troll
We use a/c plug,
Nice catch, did you get the water temp????
Hey BR.
It was 46* when we got there and 48* when we left.
I thought I seen you up there but I wasn't !!!!!
It was a pretty good day, I thought it would be a real slow day with the full moon but it picked up around 10:00 or so and was good tell we got off the water at 1:00
Will half to meet up some day up there??
If you do see me up there do let me know it is you I like to meet the ones that post on the board....
Hey Cliff,
If you ever see a big white bayliner hard top with the Hooter Patrol on the back of it you had better come over and have a cup of coffee because I would like to meet you as well
We will tread some TRUE fishing stories: LOL
I like my coffee hot and black....[

If you know a day or two before your going send me a PM..
WE can do that Cliff and I'll have the coffee ready haha.
I'll let you no when I'm going back up next week some time !!!!!!!!!
Now that is a nice Brown. Bruce Campbell would have been proud of that...[

Well I had to plagiarize that from a buddy [

] was the only one that was right around the 4.5-4.8# range [blush] I had to make my point.
HP, you say you only fish for Trophies. Don't get me wrong, you are catching some very nice fish, and they could be called Trophies, but I haven't really seen anything HUGE so to speak.
I do know you prefer to hold them straight arm out as do allot of other people, and it does make the fish look nicer.
Respectfully I don't see that fish at 4+ pounds either.
[quote bassrods]I like my coffee hot and black....[

HP....don't let them get you down. Like I always have said..they are just jealous. Nice fish. [

Hey great fish! I have learned not to post wieghts of fish on's rare that someone posts a picture of a fish, and someone doesn't question the size. Don't let it bother you, you now the truth.
Your the first person I have seen throwing AC plugs outside of Southern California. We would chuck those at the big largemouths that feed on the rainbows, while most people are trying to catch the freshly stocked trout. I need to try one of those out here, I sold my big plugs and swimbaits to a friend when I moved, so I need to restock them. Do you stick to the rainbow patterns, or have you tried others?
Hey thanks, FF53
You know if I would have said it was a 1.5lb brown they would have said it was only a pound so it is okay with me
But I will say this most of the guys on this site are real good people and that is why I stay on this forum is because of all the true fisherman and all the good friend I've meet on here,
A few guys that have nothing better to do that run other people down is not going to ruin this furum because of how they act!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone already know who they are !!!!!!!! and it won't be long before they move on :LOL
Hey hippy how is it going ???????
I use a lot of different colors I paint a lot of them myself
but the basics colors work great out here,
it is all in how you fish them and the time of year,
if you have used them before you will do good to use the same colors you've used for the bass !!!!!!!
If you would like any more info shot me a PM.
more than happy to help.