Who would be interested in having an ice fishing contest this winter just to make things interesting?
Here is the link to the contest that the Utah Board has every year. There contest seems to run pretty smoothly.
What can we legally do in Idaho?
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=451223;page=1"]http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=451223;page=1[/url]
i have seen the utah contest and think it would be a great idea. but as for whats legal i am not sure, if nothing we could all chip in and have some prizes. like a new rod, cabelas gift certificate or stuff like that. maybe someone else would know.
They (on the Utah board) are also The Burbot bash at the Gorge again. I Think they have prizes for being there but don't know if there are any for fishing.
I like the idea. There are some rules that a friend found when they wanted to have a contest.
Any person, organization, club, business, partnership, corporation or other entity that sponsors a fishing contest which is based on the capture of an individual fish, or the size or number of fish captured, must first obtain a fishing contest permit from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. A fishing contest is defined as an event where the total prize value is greater than $1,000; or the individual entry fee is greater than $25; or the number of boats is greater than 10 or the number of individuals contestants is greater than 20; or there is a live fish weigh-in. Contact your local [url "http://www.fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/about/offices"]IDFG office[/url] for permit applications.
[url "http://www.fishandgame.idaho.gov/apps/tournament/"]http://www.fishandgame.idaho.gov/apps/tournament/[/url]
It sounds like fun if its not too hard to get organized. I'm in if you decide to do it. Or I should say I will help if you decide to do it.
Sounds like a good time to me, if we can get it going, i'm in on it.
I would be interested in a BFT contest. Would be a great chance to get together and meet some people.
So it sounds like we can have a 20 person contest with a $5 or $10 dollar entry fee with no problem. Or we can get a permit to have a bigger contest. Maybe this year we will start with 20 people and if it goes well we can open it up to more people.
SURE! My wife and I could go depending on where and so forth.. Maybe do a pull or somthing or a vote..... I would say Ririe or Devils or something???? Ill keep watching this post and see where it goes......
With 20 or less maybe there could be 2 or 3. Ririe, something down south or even Henrys on the last Saturday of the month. I will be up by Henrys Sunday evening. Are there very many lake trout caught out of Pala

es through the ice? I would like to try for them sometime.
We are talking about two different things. A BFT ice fishing get together is totally doable and we should try that once the ice is safe.
The other thing is an online all winter long ice fishing contest. We would take pictures of our catch along with a ruler and a piece of paper that says BFT IDAHO 2009-2010. The participant would have to either be in the photo or have a photo of himself along with the fish being measured. Check out the Utah board Ice Fishing Contest to see how it works.
If we have to stay 20 or less I say break the state up into regions and have several season long events. That would make it a little more fair anyway. My ice fishing in SW can not compete with that in the SE and I would be throwing my money away. Oh duh, thats what you guys want.[mad]
You need to look at windrivers link at the top of the page to fully understand what it is. What I'm gathering, is I just go fishing by myself anywhere I want all winter, and enter pics. of my catches.
That's right, but theirs is limited to 49 people and we can only have 20 w/o a permit if I understand it correctly. I would hope we could get way more people than 20 statewide.
Hey windriver, I see where you going with this. I have to agree i read all last winter and this yr how UTAH board has there winter contest, as i read it i was saying why dont Idaho board have this?? I think its a wonderful idea, i will participate all the way let me know how i can help out.. Lets do a child one also like Utah has i say that would be fun for the kids..... Thanks for attempting to make it fun..........
I am interested as well. I am wondering about the laws set up concerning this I will need to reread Jigs post.
I guess you could have 1 contest at a specific lake for any species.
Then have 2nd one at the same lake for trout,a 3rd for perch,4th kokanee, 5th for ect. This could be done at several locations. Have a limit of 2 entries per body of water or section of it (like a river). Have all the individual category winners (no more than 20) entered in to the grand prize winner contest (this may not work).
I work with kids who manipulate any time they can, it must be rubbing off on me.