Fishing Forum

Full Version: polo-dog, Chickamauga at dusk, Crappie, 11/4/09
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Fished alone tonight for about the last half hour before dark tonight. Freida was out on a walk so she didn't get out there with me today. I fished on offshore structure deep and the fish were very active. One of the crappie almost knocked the rod out of my hand when it hit on the drop. I fished structure that was 14-16 feet deep bumping the bottom. I had a fish on more than half my casts once I found the sweet spot. It was almost a 30 second drop to bottom and most hits came on the first 3 cranks of the reel handle. What a great way to finish a beautiful day. I let them all go, but two wouldn't revive well so I gave them to someone that I saw on the way home. All but one of the fish 10 total were over 12 inches. They were really stacked up thick. I am still trying to figure out if I ought to fish the tournament Sat. I would have a great time I know seeing everyone again.