Fishing Forum

Full Version: Strawberry 11/06
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[fishin]Took the day off on Friday and headed up to the Berry (by myself) to fish from the shore. I decided to fish Hawes point. Got there @9 parked my truck and took a walk. Fishing in the morning was fairly slow. caught four up to about 2. After two it was on! I must have caught 20 fish before I left at 4:30.
I saw lots of boats cruise by me. Any fellow BFT er's? I was the solo fisherman on the bank, south of the dirt parking at Hawes Point.

[Image: happy.gif][Image: happy.gif][Image: happy.gif][Image: happy.gif][smile][smile][smile]
Sounds like a great day. What were you using?
Hey Bub,
I was using tube jigs.