Fishing Forum

Full Version: BustinBass197, Chickamauga, Largemouth, Stripe Bass, 11/07/09, JDK
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JDK and I fished the twilson open emoScratch today from the Chick Dam ramp. Water temps were 61ish. Weather was nice until about 10:30 when the wind turned on. We started fishing a point early with a few small largemouth, and a 10-11lb Striper. We were looking for schoolers, but never found the motherload. Early fish were caught from an inline spinner and spook. We found a few schooling in the back of a cove ,but made the mistake of moving to find better fish. We found plenty of bait in most places we stopped, but most were not being chased. The bad thing was we never found the fish except for a few shortfish that JDK managed to catch the second-half of the day. We fished from the dam all the way up past Possum Creek. Our fish upriver were caught from deep docks off of plastics. I think we literally threw every lure we owned at the S.O.B.s, but they were elusive today. Congrats to the winners @ 13.8?. Good sack for a day that to me was not exactly that great. I think next time JDK and I fish he is bringing the deer rifle to kill the 4 pointer that swam in front of the boat. :emoticon:logo