I will be interviewing for dental school in ft lauderdale at Nova southeastern on wed. and would like to get a fishing trip in on thurs. if possible. I would love to hit the ocean if I can find a trip that is inexpensive enough (starving student and all). I brought my own gear so if there is some good shore fishing as well I could try that, but being from the other side of the country I know nothing about fishing Florida. If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated. I would love to get into some multispecies fishing, but am up for whatever. Thank you in advance for any advice,
Jed Burton
I have and it is the best fishing in the country. I used to live right by Nova southeastern (Plantation) and had a few dental student buds.
I can't give you much advice about ocean fishing with a guide because I never did it, but I know that you can fish in the ocean from shore (e.g. a pier) without a license. I did that a few times and remember seeing a 6 foot baracuda swimming 20 - 30 yards from all the people in the ocean. The keys have huge Tarpon that you can catch with a guide. Also, I had several friends that would go out for the day fishing from the keys and catch sailfish and mahi mahi.
The cool thing about south florida is that every piece of water has largemouth bass and most have peacock bass too. Also, most of the canals that run through the area have both snook and tarpon because they connect to the ocean and the fish swim way inland. I generally used my bass gear on any piece of water and would catch both largemouth and peacocks. If you want snook or tarpon in the canals, I would ask a local at bass pro shops on where to go.
Good luck, I am jealous! Also, I don't know much about Nova Southeastern, but the Plantation area is awesome.
Jed, you CANNOT fish from a pier without a license unless you are a Florida Resident. All non-residents must have appropriate licenses unless you're with a licensed guide.
Visit the most awesome Bass Pro shop in the country, right there in Ft. Lauderdale (Right next to the IGFA Hall of Fame). DON'T MISS IT!! They have more fishing stuff than I've ever seen under one roof.
As was said, there's tons of fishing down there. Just name it, when it comes to warm water. Pick canals or inshore salt water. Use baitfish imitations, or even bait (shrimp, shiners, pilchards, etc). Too much going on down there to even start narrowing it down. You must do that yourself. Like was said, ask at BP or another tackle shop.
Hint: Tarpon fishing is best at night and during low light. Canals have peacocks and largemouth--BIG largemouths. The near-shore oceans and harbors are full of fish. Snook in the canals and harbors, again, best during low-light and at night.
The area is full of guides, but most aren't cheap. This is their "off season", so many will have openings. The fishing, however is NOT off season. It should be rockin'!
Have fun!
Yes you can fish from a pier without a license. I don't know where you got your information but it is wrong. Public piers buy a license that covers all persons fishing from that pier. [url "http://myfwc.com/docs/RulesRegulations/2009_July_RegsSummary_Newsletter.pdf"]http://myfwc.com/docs/RulesRegulations/2009_July_RegsSummary_Newsletter.pdf[/url] (page 6)
If your calling a private dock a pier then a license is needed, but not at places like the Anglins, Juno, Daina,Pompano or Deerfield piers. You do need a license to fish from the beach.
If you go to a pier you will be able to buy what ever you ned for bait and terminal tackle right there. You can also walk out onto most piers to see what is going on first, then decide if you want to fish.
Forget the canals, for that you would need a freshwater license, but more importantly, as Utans, we don't fully understand Florida wildlife and there are snakes and gators who live in the canals, best leave them till you are living there and can learn where to be and where not to be.
Do a search for "Boatless fishing Florida" That will get you all the info you need on piers and beach fishing.
Quote:Forget the canals, for that you would need a freshwater license
I don't know where you got your information but it is wrong. [cool]
There are thousands of miles of residential canals on both east and west coast of florida that are salt water. In fact, most canals in florida, and particularly where Jed is applying are salt water. Coastal residential real estate development is far greater than interior development (where fresh water is).
As for snakes and gators, let’s take one at a time.
Gators and canals: brackish to fresh water. Since most canals are salt water, it’s not a big concern. Furthermore saltwater canals typically have concrete sea walls that sit about 3’ – 4’ about high tide mark, which is an effective barrier should any gator be there (which it wouldn’t). If you wanna flirt with gator disaster, go bass fishin on a golf course pond: fresh water; no barrier walls, and gators sunning themselves on the banks routinely. Take a camera! They’re not gonna run you down and eat you up. But your dog is another matter…
Snakes and canals: Again, a freshwater deal, not a saltwater one. And not really a big deal in freshwater for that matter; You’re more likely to run into a poisonous snake at the Gorge or Powell. And that’s been my experience.
Canal fishing is good, but you run into the same problem there that you do here: access. There’s hundreds of sea-walled communities in Florida, and it’s all private property. In fact, IMO, that’s the biggest problem with Florida coastal fishing: no solitude. Too bad too; you
want to eat a redfish you catch out of one of those canals.
I know; I grew up fishing in SW Florida (on a s-water canal).
Quote:The cool thing about south florida is that every piece of water has largemouth bass and most have peacock bass too.
Only if it's fresh water. And that's the interior, which starts only about mile or so inland.
Quote:Also, most of the canals that run through the area have both snook and tarpon because they connect to the ocean and the fish swim way inland. If you want snook or tarpon in the canals,
Tarpon are not canal fish. Snook OTOH. They'll be under many boats and piers. Sadly, mostly private. But they are in season now.
[#000000]The more I think about this:[/#000000]
[#000000] [/#000000]
[#000000]Best potential production: Fish the intracoastal where there are bridge pilings (not all bridges have pilings; many are span), or an ocean inlet. It won’t be pretty (cars, traffic, people), but you’ll have better production than surf fishing. [/#000000]
[#000000]Pilings fishing: Shrimp (all baitshops); 25 lb test; 80 lbs steel leader; 2/0 to 4/0 hooks; 1 oz pyramid weights (tide and current). Drum, snapper, sheepshead, and reds are yours; assuming you can yank them out of the pilings. Maybe a snook if the gods are smiling. Hint: donate your first shrimp to the fish gods.[/#000000]
Fish at nite and bring a chair and headlamp. Get a tidechart. Don’t sit in the sand spurs or the red ant hills.[/#000000]
[#000000] [/#000000]
[#000000]Prettiest land-based saltwater fishing: go surf fish. Especially the Atlantic side, where you'll be. I think you will be able to find surf gear to rent; (piers won’t let you take their gear off the pier). Bear in mind that both suggestions are logistical headaches: drive time, parking, lugging gear, and heavy concentrations of people will all be impediments. There will be no solitude. [/#000000]
[#000000] [/#000000]
[#000000]If you don’t have the gear for this, you might end up on a public pier where tackle can be rented, but oy!, the clientele…[/#000000]
[#000000] [/#000000]
[#000000]If you want to avoid logistical headaches, go on a party charter: you and 20 of your closest new friends. Your success rate will be questionable, but you’ll fish off-shore. Just don’t bring a banana onboard; you will end up as fresh cut bait. Seriously.[/#000000]
[#000000] [/#000000]
When all is said and done, given your time and money constraints,
I suggest a party charter; all you gotta do is show up, and it will give you a good feel of the type of Florida fishing I imagine you are imagining.[/#000000]
[#000000] [/#000000]
[#000000]If you score a 20# snapper, all I want for my consulting fee is a 1# filet. Fair enough?[/#000000]
[#000000] [/#000000]
[#000000]I was just home two weekends ago (I wet tested the Panga, Jim!), and it absolutely rekindled my love of Florida fishing.[/#000000]
[#000000] [/#000000]
[#000000]It’s been awhile, and my memories fade. There's a gazillion lines written about the various types of Florida fishing, so take my few paragraphs with that in mind.[/#000000]
[#000000] [/#000000]
[#000000]Have fun; I’m totally jealous.[/#000000]
So do you reccommend he fish the canals? Or not?
Like you said, the salt water ones are mostly private and to fish from shore into a salt water canal a salt water license would be needed. To fish the accessable canals where there is less development he would have to go inland, to the fresh water canals.
I recommend a pier. for a few bucks you can have a chance at something big, chat with other fisherman who fish the area, be on the ocean and more than likely catch some fish.
I think our post times crossed.
See my reply above, bold part.
This is a timely post as my son and i are going to south Florida at Christmas break. Purchased the tickets last weekend. Since we won't be meeting up with my brother in law from Florida who has a boat I thought besides fishing some bridges and cuts in the Keys we might try some canal fishing. I already have an annual salt water license this year for Florida and assume I'll need a fresh water license if we hit the canals. I thought you needed the fresh water license for canals even where the water turns brackish. How do you know which license is needed where in the canals? I'm familar with lots of the Tamiami Canal (and it's snakes and gators) but does anyone have any suggestions for access on foot that is good fishing on Snapper Creek, Black Creek (C-1) and Cutler Drain (C-100) Canals? Any different techniques more productive in the cooler months for peacock bass in the canals or do they stay warm enough not to matter as much as other bodies of water down there?
I firmly second the party (head) boat idea. There are both 1/2 day trips and full day trips. Many 1/2 's are only $35 or so. Very well worth it. The all day trips are full of more serious fishers and the night trips for yellowtail can be fantastic.
But Troll, I really liked your idea as well. Alot.
And yours is less time-consuming than mine (if time is an issue)
And actually, they're both the same idea, just in a different setting.
Both involve just showing up, renting gear, and walking away when done. And both give you the opportunity to talk with local anglers.
I really see either/or as the way to go here to maximize fishing time and exposure to Fla fishing.
I rarely get to the east coast of Florida, but next time I do (Miami Boat Show), I am going to seriously consider doing one or both of these. They both are just a really practical way to approach this.
Sorry about the delay in reply I was traveling late at night and finally arrived today. Just thought I would add some more detail as well as thank you guys for your advice. I am staying at a hotel about half a mile from the lauderdale by the sea fishing pier and am right on the beach so if night fishing off the pier works well i will try it and If I need a fishing license I will buy one I think I can do it online. I would love to head out for a party boat trip on thurs. if I can find a good one. I would like to hit a 3/4 day or night one if possible so i can get some longer fishing in and would be open to full day if I can find a good one. As for the gear I brought I brought my bass gear with about 10 lb test which will probably be mostly useless, but I also broght one deep sea spinning rig with 25lb test and another baitcasting rig with 80lb braid and I believe 30 or 40lb test leader. I brought sinkers all the way up to 12 oz and some home made jigs up to 3 oz. I have quite a few plastics but don't know producing colors that well. Any advice on good party boats would be greatly appreciated or where I can find more available party boats would be very helpfull I have been trying to weed through some on google, but haven't been able to find much. Thanks again soo much for all the advice you guys have given please feel free to add some more if you can think of any more that will be helpfull and hopefully I can get the fishing gods to cooperate,
Jed Burton
My advice is pretty basic, and in order of ease:
1. look at the entertainment guide in your hotel room
2. go to frt desk/concierge/ tourist brochures in lobby of hotel
3. go to the docks and ask/see for yourself
4. go to a bait shop (on the dock) and ask
5: Here's my results from searching "fort lauderdale fishing charters" on Bing
[ul][li][url "http://www.bing.com/local/details.aspx?lid=YN189x3781077&qt=yp&what=fishing+charters&where=Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL&s_cid=ansPhBkYp02&mkt=en-us&q=fort+lauderdale+fishing+charters"]Fishing Charters[/url] · [li][url "http://www.fishlauderdale.com/"]Website[/url] · [li](954) 764-8723 · [li][url "http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?rtp=adr.~pos.26.110651_-80.105854_1005+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316_Fishing+Charters_(954) 764-8723&where1=1005+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316"]Directions[/url][/li][/ul][/li][li]
[ul][li][url "http://www.bing.com/local/details.aspx?lid=YN189x3781111&qt=yp&what=fishing+charters&where=Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL&s_cid=ansPhBkYp02&mkt=en-us&q=fort+lauderdale+fishing+charters"]Lady Helen Fishing Charters[/url] · [li][url "http://www.ladyhelencharters.com/"]Website[/url] · [li](954) 336-3256 · [li][url "http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?rtp=adr.~pos.26.103271_-80.126504_1534+SE+15th+St+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316_Lady+Helen+Fishing+Charters_(954) 336-3256&where1=1534+SE+15th+St+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316"]Directions[/url][/li][/ul][/li][li]
[ul][li][url "http://www.bing.com/local/details.aspx?lid=YN189x3716786&qt=yp&what=fishing+charters&where=Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL&s_cid=ansPhBkYp02&mkt=en-us&q=fort+lauderdale+fishing+charters"]Joanie Fishing Charter Boat[/url] · [li](954) 763-6186 · [li][url "http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?rtp=adr.~pos.26.124193_-80.141457_211+NE+2nd+St+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33301_Joanie+Fishing+Charter+Boat_(954) 763-6186&where1=211+NE+2nd+St+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33301"]Directions[/url][/li][/ul][/li][li]
[ul][li][url "http://www.bing.com/local/details.aspx?lid=YN189x35466506&qt=yp&what=fishing+charters&where=Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL&s_cid=ansPhBkYp02&mkt=en-us&q=fort+lauderdale+fishing+charters"]Foxsea Sport Fishing Charters[/url] · [li](954) 767-3330 · [li][url "http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?rtp=adr.~pos.26.112278_-80.105643_801+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316_Foxsea+Sport+Fishing+Charters_(954) 767-3330&where1=801+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316"]Directions[/url][/li][/ul][/li][li]
[ul][li][url "http://www.bing.com/local/details.aspx?lid=YN189x18238719&qt=yp&what=fishing+charters&where=Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL&s_cid=ansPhBkYp02&mkt=en-us&q=fort+lauderdale+fishing+charters"]Reel Work Sport Fishing[/url] · [li][url "http://www.lauderdalefishing.com/"]Website[/url] · [li](954) 522-9399 · [li][url "http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?rtp=adr.~pos.26.119302_-80.105893_301+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316_Reel+Work+Sport+Fishing_(954) 522-9399&where1=301+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316"]Directions[/url][/li][/ul][/li][li]
[ul][li][url "http://www.bing.com/local/details.aspx?lid=YN189x5004593&qt=yp&what=fishing+charters&where=Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL&s_cid=ansPhBkYp02&mkt=en-us&q=fort+lauderdale+fishing+charters"]Fishing Headquarters[/url] · [li][url "http://www.fishheadquarters.com/"]Website[/url] · [li](954) 525-4665 · [li][url "http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?rtp=adr.~pos.26.119302_-80.105893_301+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316_Fishing+Headquarters_(954) 525-4665&where1=301+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316"]Directions[/url][/li][/ul][/li][li]
[ul][li][url "http://www.bing.com/local/details.aspx?lid=YN187x229299939&qt=yp&what=fishing+charters&where=Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL&s_cid=ansPhBkYp02&mkt=en-us&q=fort+lauderdale+fishing+charters"]Old Hat Fishing Charters[/url] · [li][url "http://www.oldhat.com/"]Website[/url] · [li](305) 773-0700 · [li][url "http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?rtp=adr.~pos.25.904186_-80.125437_10800+Collins+Ave+%23+E16+Miami+Beach%2c+FL+33154_Old+Hat+Fishing+Charters_(305) 773-0700&where1=10800+Collins+Ave+%23+E16+Miami+Beach%2c+FL+33154"]Directions[/url][/li][/ul][/li][li]
[ul][li][url "http://www.bing.com/local/details.aspx?lid=YN189x3781051&qt=yp&what=fishing+charters&where=Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL&s_cid=ansPhBkYp02&mkt=en-us&q=fort+lauderdale+fishing+charters"]Tammi Lea Sport Fishing[/url] · [li](954) 523-4550 · [li][url "http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?rtp=adr.~pos.26.110651_-80.105854_1005+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316_Tammi+Lea+Sport+Fishing_(954) 523-4550&where1=1005+Seabreeze+Blvd+Fort+Lauderdale%2c+FL+33316"]Directions[/url][/li][/ul][/li]
6. Stop with 1 thru 5 above since they are close to one-stop shopping.
Please post charter rates (and pix!); it's obvious several of us are curious as to what you are going to find.
Git 'er done, Jed! (Consider this your first homework assignment for D-school)
thanks I will try and do that,
"Tarpon are not canal fish. Snook OTOH. They'll be under many boats and piers. Sadly, mostly private. But they are in season now."
I have personally seen and caught tarpon in canals as far inland as plantation. I didn't believe they were there either until a guy I was fishing with pulled out a 20 pound fish. Since then I have caught several tarpon. They used to take our shiners and break our 10 pound line all the time.
As for gators and snakes, I have seen both gators and water moccasin, but nothing that would prevent me from fishing the canals.
Anyway, best of luck!
I grew up in miami i have fished saltwater for over 30years. I can recomend you a great party boat in miami if you are interested they are worth the drive. They are about 45 minutes south of county lineThey are courteous and helpful and reasonably priced if i can remember they charge $40 for half day the $20 more if you want to go out again. They have these trips 9-1pm 130-530pm and 8-12am . I have caught many fish with them .Here is a video of our trip las year pm me if you are interested.
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltO825n80o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltO825n80o[/url]
[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tNUMlSzi0U"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tNUMlSzi0U[/url]
By the way Tarpon have been known to roam the freshwater canals and snook too in miam. If you fish from a pier buy a sabiki rig catch some live bait and put it 18 inches under a bobber you might just be surprised what you will catch !
Ocean -
Have you found Florida to be the most productive place that you have fished?
I know from reading your posts that you have fished in ALOT of different places.
This is a "where do I drop anchor when I retire?" type of question.
I grew up in miami and the fishing there can awesome depending on the season.Unlike calfornia you only have to go out a few miles to get into tunas and swordfish you can see miami beach as you fight those biguns .Sailfish are there year round and when its their season you can catch a half dozen by noon. There are plenty of different species to catch year round hope this info helps you.
Helps alot. Thanks.
I never would have believed that I would someday consider moving back to Florida.
But here it is 12 years later, and...