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Decided to make a quick trip to the gorge with my father on saturday. We decided to leave the boat home and take his car to save money. He has a natural gas civic and the total cost of the trip was twelve dollars.
The shore fishing was fantastic. I have herd reports of fall spawning rainbows and thought people were crazy. Shows my ignorance I guess. We walked some rocky bays throwing tubes and swim baits and caught several really nice fall spawning rainbows. The females are probably within a week of laying thier eggs but Im no bioligist. The biggest was a 24" fat hook jaw male. Probably the prettiest rainbow I have ever seen in all of its spawning colors. We caught eight over the twenty inch mark with several approaching it. I will never miss a november that I don't go chase gorge rainbows. It was just like fishing strawberry but the fish were much heavier, fought way harder, and there were only two other groups fishing from the shore within miles of us.
Thanks for posting your report Fishjon, sounds like you guys had a fun trip. A friend of mine has been telling me the same thing for years but I have yet to make the drive up there to check it out. He always fishes the sheep creek area, would you mind sharing what area you were fishing? Also were you tipping your jigs with any type of bait? WH2
I was tipping my jigs with crawlers becuase I forgot the 15$ worth of minnows I bought for the trip. Don't know if the crawlers made a difference because the swim bait did just as well. However the fish seemed to hold on to the jig better than the swim bait. I was fishing on the wyoming side. Hope you don't mind if I don't share more than that.
This past spring (early May) on the Buckboard Marina boat ramp was a few hundred or more spawning trout. They were swimming back & forth acrossed the ramp - maybe because that's where they were planted. The guy's with fly-rods were casting and catching them - releasing the females and taking some of the males. They said that the trout really don't have a chance of sucessfully spawning but they sure were some of the prettiest fish.

It was kinda strange seeing a dozen guys all fishing on the boat ramp but as soon as you saw the size of the trout you could tell they sure would be fun to C&R on a fly rod.

Thanjks for the report -- so how cold was it at the Gorge?
I might have been one of the flyfishermen you saw in the spring. They really do school up right there around the boat ramp. The weather was absolutley buetifull up there. No wind all day. Probably a first for the gorge.