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Full Version: Fixing epoxy finish problem
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A lot of guys & gals seem to have problems with their finish work especially when first starting out and or from time to time trying to apply is a bit heavy (especially on tiger wraps). I'm one of those impatient SOB's
that will sometimes get a little "heavy handed" trying to get a thicker coat rather than doing the smart thing and just applying another coat. Get too heavy handed and not letting the excess drip off will always result in a bumpy or wavy uneven instead of flat even finish. [Image: hali_nuija.gif]

When that happens you CAN fix it! Let it set-up hard & not tacky then with a sanding block and some 120grit sand the "high spots" down level
with the rest. Finish up with a much finer grit paper to remove the scratches left by the course paper. A power wrapper makes the job quicker but you can easily do it by hand too. Then a final light coat completes the job.

For those who have never seen this process I've included pix.
Not sure if you can see the wavyness in the top pic but it's there.
the second pic is sanding completed. Notice the "haze" across the entire wrap. The light scratches are just light enough not to show after the final light finish coat is applied.
Third pic is final coat applied. Nice & clear again!
WOW !!!
vantastic finish..

I did not know epoxy could be sanded and recoated with a fine coat and still have a crystal clear finish....

Thanks for the tip...

I could see the waves, but I am used to looking at micro finishes and micro dementions...