Fishing Forum

Full Version: yellburt, nick, crappie, 11-07-09, w.westmorland
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bassERTS out of the big ones were hitting old friend from wheland went with me today,some of you guys may know his son that played at UT,back in 98 or 99,his son was eric westmorland,linebacker.well we put in just at daylight an headed to the old wore out hole,an low an behold they were there,not holding tight to cover,but they were in the general area,mostly on the point.the water temp was 60,an very light wind,current was slow most of the day.the color was pearl ,bg,an some were caught on patriot,an i caught a couple on blue grass.most were 15 feet or deeper,very few were shallow.the largest was 1/4 inch shy of being a tarp.dang it.wayne was pumped,i think it was his biggest crappie this year,we tried two other holes but the bite was over,by 10:30.we caught 14 keepers all over 12 inches small ones were caught i dont think we had any to come unhooked,a fine day,with an old friend,we ran into sam i am. nice meeting an talking to him.he had just arrived ,an we left soon after talking to him.i almost messed up a couple of time an called wayne by another name,an since he knows pat ,he might have gotten just different having fished with pat for so long ,everytime i said something ,the word pat almost came out evertime. o well.hope the pictures make it though.