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Full Version: Discontinued rod warranty?
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I guess the biggest advantage is to buy the rod during the discontinued stage.
I have one of the first T3's (serial #1001 means Oct. 2001). The rod new was $610. It is the 9' 6 weight four piece tip flex. Has been a great rod and I have used the heck out of it.
But the last ferrule has worn out to where the two dots are now touching. Not much longer and it will be falling off. Plus somehow a chip about an inch long and getting longer with each use in the finish.

Great news is, I can sent it back and no charge as it is pre 2003. Bad news is, it has been replaced with a $475. model/price tag and cheaper hardware.

I don't want and should have to settle for the lesser replacement.

Now the T3 is discontinued and close out of $400.

They send me the T3 replacement and in a few years, should it break they would now replace it with the Power Matrix.

How did the high priced top of the line now become the lower end.....NO WAY!

I am bantering back and forth with them as I am typing this.

I do not see these defects as being fixable with the Titanium instead of now nickle guides and a lesser rod.

The replacement has now been stated as the Hydros. Still, it is $495, $115. difference.
Come on Orvis, I thought you stood behind your product 100%

Oh and Helios and money difference is not an option.

I just want the moneys worth of my rod so down the road should something happen I am not taking a huge step I wrong?
You payed $610 which in todays money is more like
maybe $700.
You should get a rod of the same value or better. Not
Fight for it out of principal if nothing alse. Best of
Let as know how it goes

Id say you have every right to be upset at what they are offering you as a replacement.. if what they want to send you is not of the same quality as what you are sending them I would think they would be obligated or at least feel obligated to make things right on their warranty...

MacFly [cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Was talking to a friend last night that mentioned that on his last trip to Alaska, he hooked into a big salmon hog and his Echo 8 wt snapped at the 2nd section from the tip, like someone cut it clean with an axe. Normally it should have shattered. Well Echo replaced the rod free of charge, but they called him several times wanting to know exactly how it happened. Guess that R&D was all over it like a duck on a June bug.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Sad thing, but these warranties are being abused.
I am looking at the days when t will be like a bamboo rod. Manufacturer defect or pay for the part.
I really wish they would get rid of the warranties and lower the price of the rods.
The Chinese rods however, make it too easy with a low price PLUS the warranty.
But Orvis, Loomis, Sage, Scott, Thomas and Thomas, Winston...if they all did away with their warranties, they could cut the price of the rods in half I bet.
I know on the Winston LT. They replaced the tip but I ordered another in case. It was $70. and that included shipping.

Wouldn't you all like say a Boron BIIx for $300. then "IF" is breaks, pay the repair bill instead of $600+. and MAYBE never break it.

On the Orvis rod....we went back and forth. It is to arrive Friday and the gal told me she would call me. All I am asking for it the Titanium guides put on two new top sections and return the original Bottom two sections.
Seems easy enough to me.
But if I get a bottom section WITH a different serial #, well lets just say something is gonna hit the fan.

Oh, and the warranty reads: 25 unconditional year. They will repair or replace with "AT LEAST" equal value. Not EQUAL ROD.
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000][size 3][#008000]Right on FGD. That is why I look for demo rods. No warranty but you might just pay 40% of the original cost. My T&T is a demo and there wasn't a blemish on the rod when it purchased. [/#008000]
your right sis.. you know for the most part these guys are making lots of money on this deal.. you have to figure that a majority of users have little or no problem with the rod and therefore never use the warranty or they simply accept what is sent to them as replacement.. and thats money in their pockets...

give em hell sis... you have been a promoter and customer with them for way too long for them to give you a big run around on this...

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]If they gave the purchaser the option of paying for the warranty I would pass on it. The only thing that I have paid on a warranty was for my expensive laptop. If you break the monitor costs a grand to replace it. Had to do over again, wouldn't get it. If you took out a warranty on everything that you purchased wouldn't have any money left to buy other goodies.[/size][/#008000][/font]
other goodies like fly fishing equipment?? :-)

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: dumb.gif]Like on your car, tv, appliances etc[/size][/#008000][/font]
true... I could use a new truck... :-)... but also a 3 or 4 wt with reel and line.. :-)

MacFly [cool]