I think I have finally got this picture thing down. The first 2 pics are of a 53" tiger I caught this spring. Looking at the pics you will notice the bulge in her belly, and the eggs dripping out. The last two pics are of a tiger I caught at Newton a few years ago. This fish was a male that had a hook jaw that you can veiw in the pics. It also had sperm. Both these fish were caught in early April. It is proof enough to me that they do have a false spawn. Hope you all enjoy these facts.
Nice pics, don't wiper do the same thing as far as a false spawn goes??
As for wipers I have heard they also false spawn. Never seen it or heard much more than they do.
Thanks for the great pictures. It seems to me that you know how to catch those tigers by the tail.

Make it 5 in a row, Lance!
Nice muskies ! Thanks for posting them .
hey moby,
yeah the wipers go through a false spawn as well. as far as i know all hybrids do.
Very nice pics. I would imagine, that since an occasional mule or two can reproduce, that a VERY small percentage of muskies can actually successfully spawn as well. It would be interested to see a little natural reproduction of those bad boys.
Does anyone know when the DWR actully planted them last? I heard a couple years ago, that the water was too low, and the big ones ate all the little ones. Pretty expensive feed if you ask me.
I don't know how true this is but, a friend told me that the DWR plant 15,000 fingerling muskie every year into Pineview, but that they are all steril. How long does it take to get one of those bad boys to 39 - 50 inches!