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I'M going up to pineview on the 14th for half a day trip.where should I try for the tigers,and what should I use.I'm going to fish 10lb firline,do I need steel leader,need to buy a few lures,need help so send as much info as you want to give.


shark_hunter and I will meet you up there, we can show you some spots and what to use.
ok first. steel leader I like to use a 6" one even with fire line but you should be alright with out it. I put one on so I cant say I lost one because I didn't have one on. as for lure's 3 that you should pic up is all j11 rapala's in perch,firetiger,and brown trout. these seem to work most of the time. next maybe a biger spinerbait in a darker color. my fav is a grandmas that you have to get from they are one of the few that have them.they cost 9.39 each for a 6" but I think they are worth it. that is the lure you see a lot of pro's useing on the musky fishing shows.
as for were on the lake? well try brownee point,narrows,cematary point,swim beach,any place that you find that there is a good drop off with some cover close by. they seem to be just about all over the lake right now but getting them is the hard part. make sure you can count good this is the fish of 10,000 casts. thats why I like to troll most for them I dont have to cast as much.
[#ff0000]OK, so you guys are worrying me. The fish of 1000 casts? I'm not going to fish for them for several years now because if that's the average I will have to cast another million times or so to catch another one. I've only caught them at Newton but I didn't think it was all that hard, I even remember thinking it was easier than picking up the bass in there. Two caveats, they have to be in there, and you have to locate them. I know in Newton that a lot of fish WAY under 40 inches turn up missing from the lake. Bugs me, how about you guys? If I can locate one surface feeding or cruising the shallows or on the fish graph I use 5 or 10 of my 1000 casts bumping them on the nose and have had good success picking them up. My biggest was 38.5 inches. I havent used steel leader but could unerstand why, sure got my thumb thrashed on one time. It was really cold that morning and my fingers were numb. I thought I was being very careful but when the blood started flowing (mine) it looked like someone had taken an ice pick to my thumb. [/#ff0000][#ff0000][unsure] Mostly just use a Crocodile. [/#ff0000]
