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Full Version: DWR and the Otters, stream access, etc.
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will be at the F&G meeting house. It's short notice, but hopefully a few can make it. Otter introduction on the middle Provo has been mentioned here on BFT, so instead of jumping to conclusions about the critters, you can jump on the DWR.
So at 7:00 pm tonight (November 15th 2009) representatives Drew Cushing, and Roger Wilson from the DWR will be presenting information on a variety of subjects; fishing reports, otter introduction on the Middle Provo, Stream Access, and other general questions.

The location of the meeting will be held at 1177 West Bullion Stree (5720 South) in Murray. A map can be found at

Hope to see you there.
For those of us who are unable to attend please post a report. Thanks!
Thanks for letting us know...Will try to make it..
Just a little update. FWIW, it's the "Game" portion of Fish and Game that's introducing the otters. If they can be trapped. So far the trapper that's supposed to be getting the critters has struck out so far. The otters will be placed in the middle Provo. They apparently were there years ago. It's not to thin out the fish in the middle P like a lot of people are assuming. It's a re-introduction.
The otters average 15 lbs. and eat about one pound of fish a day. They also will eat amphibians, crustaceans (crayfish for example), birds and reptiles.
As far as fish go, they go after slower fish, like carp, chub. They like terrain like you see at the middle Provo, but I'm sure they'll migrate downstream.
I won't mind the otters, the Green has had them for years and other waters in Utah.
Just get rid of the damn beavers and blow up the dams.
Beaver ponds can be fun places to catch fish.[cool] Fished one in the Uintas quite a bit and caught lots of fish too.