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While fishing Croydon exit. Saw three guys catching a lot of fish really fast. All the fish seemed to be brought up upside down.....Walked down to see what was up. All three had big treble hooks set up in tandem on the line and were ripping them across the current. Along with a bucket of browns and whitefish. Walked to the car called poaching line. In the 20 min I was on hold they packed up and left(Im sure they knew I went back to turn them in).

My question is. I gave them the liscence plate # on the van they were driving. With them being gone will they persue anything against these guys?
I'm sure if you could have got some video, Most cell phones have video does yours? That's BS!
Im not sure if they will or not, But one thing I do know is you did the right thing. unfortunately they will probably do the same thing again somewhere else. They will get caught eventually. Good on ya for what you did.

BTW did you end up catchin anything?
Bet they couldnt have driven very far with slit tires. JK, kinda.

That is really bad man. I am almost more mad they poaching line had you on hold that long. [crazy]
Just out of curiosity what number did you report them too ?
Was it the 800-662-Deer line or to Sheriffs office ? Id contact both.

Pm lunkerhunter2 he's gave me a couple of anti- poaching contacts and he seems to be in touch with the officers who run them.

Also don't forget there up too 1000.00 reward for catching poachers. It may not be much for the devastation these guys cause. But will pay for your fishing licenses for a long time to come [Wink][Wink][Wink]
i've seen the same stunt on the MP. and it's not like these guys don't know what they're doing is soon as they're noticed they get outta dodge. it's Sad to see.
What is MP????And did you turn them in????
pm sent
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I think he referring to the Middle Provo ( MP )
They are everywhere. The use just the spool from a reel. I went to a nice pool one day and tripped on two of them. I picked one up and started winding it up when a guy jumped from behind a bush and said NO!......I said What do you mean NO! And continued to wind. He ran and grabbed two more and left.
Oh, and for the record, when I am fishing by myself in the wilderness, I am packing.[Wink]

Saw two more up at Daniels In the long grass. We got close, they bailed.
THEY KNOW! The old saying...Ignorance is no excuse from the law....we already have to push #1 on our phones...they can at least obey the law.
Amen to the tire thing! That, or park in a way that they cant leave. Stuff like this really ticks me off! Between this and all the dang trash people leave, it's enough to drive a guy completely nuts!
Yah im not parking my car in front of someone who probably doesnt even have insurance Tongue
You know, poachers really piss me off because they steal from every angler that uses the privilege honestly. [#0000bf]Comment deleted.[/#0000bf] The Sad thing for a poacher is that he never understands the thrill of the bite, the power of the fight, the satisfaction of having the knowledge, and the fun of swapping stories and advice with other anglers instead of running like a coward when he sees them.
thats why i throw rocks first and ask questions later.... and im always packin too
Very good point! I guess I'll stick with the tire thing [Wink]!
Got a call today from the officer who they put me in touch with. He followed up on the licence plate and went down to where they live. Confiscated the fish and gave citations to all 3 of them. Booyah.
wow, good job! both you and the police!
Great!!! Nice job Tapajos! This is one for the Good Guys!
That's awesome! It's always good to have a happy ending [Smile]. Losers.
Great news, thanks for being willing to get involved.