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Full Version: Utah Icon Lost
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BLM or RDRR, at least some of us will miss you. I wish you and Vikki all the luck the world can offer you.

"Go west young man, I hear Cal-if-orn-I-ay is fulled with wiskey. women, forture and solid gold."

Good luck buddy, Utah will be a lesser place without you.

[cool][#0000ff]Add my best wishes. Haven't always been on his "friends list" but I have always respected him as a knowledgeable angler.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We know he will find plenty of good fishing in his old hangouts.[/#0000ff]
I know that They still have the internet in California. He will still be a mouse click away!

Good Luck RIch!
Best of luck Rich and Vicky. Rich, thanks for showing me how to fish Bear Lake -- I will always be indebted to you for that.
wait he cant go who the helll is going to brake ice up with me and nofish?[frown]lol well rich best of luck my freind. braden and i will be down to go fishing with you as soon as you settle down[cool]
make a great life down on the coast Ritch. take care and hope we see ya on fg at least 1 time a yr.[Wink]
[#008000]Good luck Rich ! Don't forget to drop in on us here to say howdy and/or give us "the Business"[/#008000]
Hey Scott, thanks for letting us know.
Rich, you will be missed, I hope you and Vicky do well in your new home. I hope to hear from you when you get all set up and all goes well in your move. Take care my friend. Curt
Your right IFG we will certainly miss BLM. He is certainly one of those high quality people there just isn't enough of. He sure knows how to put on a great wiper tournament. Good luck in your future adventures Rich. gshorthair
A "Utah Icon" ah, I don't think so.

I appreciate everyone's congrats though it's amazing what can happen in 24 hours after you figured everything was said and done. Well see... I ain't gone yet.
Hey Bud in years past, we haven't always agreed on everything, but you were always up front and I'll miss ya. Are you going to have a new handle and keep posting on another forum? I'd kind of like to look for ya. Still remember out Mantua ice fishing trip. As you know, I ain't in to ice fishing but enjoyed you personally and helpfulness. [frown]
Good luck my friend!! You will be missed. Thanks for the trips to the lake and all the knowledge you passed on!! Hope all goes well for you out west and like Scott said Cali is full of whisky women and gold[cool] And fish!!
not lost anymoore. rdrr is staying in utah. good news for freinds. bad new for fish. think rich will sleep alot better now.[Smile]