11-20-2009, 10:00 AM
Out on a half day trip w/ Mr. Singleton from Dalton. He&#39;s a good friend of my dad&#39;s and called me around lunch today wanting to get out tomorrow. I&#39;m already booked tomorrow so I decided to go on very short notice LOL. We got to the water around 1:30pm and fished until 5:00. We landed around 35spots in the short time we were on the water. All on drop shots, double fluke rigs, and fish head spins..... Most fish were between 20-35ft w/ the exception of the double fluke rig. Most of those fish were fish that came up out of the deeper schools in small groups and bit the fluke just as it would be out of sight.<br /><br />The picture is of my client w/ 2 of his fish. This was a double he caught on the fluke rig, two at once LOL. It was his first ever double. The biggest weighed somewhere around 3lbs the other was a 14incher.<br /><br />If anyone is interested in getting out on a trip and doing some sight fishing drop me a line. Want to learn to read your electronics better, give me a call.<br /><br />LB<br />