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Full Version: Hard Deck Anticipation
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I'm not as brave as some recently venturing out onto the ice.

I'm looking forward to this season and to get me through the soon to be tweener time (waiting for safe ice), I recaptured this past season hard deck season early 2009 Jan-Mar onto a video to help with my hurry up and get here hard deck anticipation

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Great video, K2.
Now I'm excited for the hard deck!
I didn't see any Perch Chowder in the video though.
Have you tried it yet?
I enjoyed your video Kim. You and Kay should join the wife and I at Canyon Ferry Montana next summer for their walleye tourney 26-27 June, we fished it a couple years ago and had a blast, they start taking registrations in Jan and they fill up fast. Join us for a weekend at Pelican in Jan. I think my first outing this year on the ice will be next month chasing bourbot in WY.[fishin]