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Full Version: Bear Lake 11/20/2009
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My friend and I hit Bear Lake in hopes of some early whitefish action on Friday morning at 7:30am. We tried for whitefish in several of my "go to" spots. This includes any shoreline area with rocks. We fished from 5' out to 15' of water for over 2 hrs without a single hit. After convincing ourselves that the fish just weren't in yet, we moved out in search of cutthroat. We found the fish in about 60-65' of water on the east side of the lake. Vertical jigging with 3/4oz tubes tipped with cisco in orange, red and white all produced fish. We caught 6 fish total, but missed several others. I've attached a couple of pics below. The bigger fish was between 5-6lbs! We kept two smaller fish (18" or so) to eat and the rest went free. No lakers, just cutts. Probably one more week before the whitefish show up in shallow.
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Can you buy Cisco at a bait shop or ? I couldn't find a place and we ended up catching our own.
It is not legal to sell cisco for bait. You need to catch your own. If you don't have cisco, you can use other bait (sucker and carp meat work great too).
Assuming Bear Lake freezes up this year, (and it should?), I would be very grateful for any cisco/sucker meat donations if anybody lives up here in Cache Valley.

(I have yet to catch a big Mack or any trout of Bear Lake- pathetic I know. I need to change that.)