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Does anyone here own an Eastman Ice Cube 2 ?

Just wondering if they are good to have...what are the pros and cons? Specs: 75"x75", height 67", weight 19 lbs.
I would recommend going with the Ice cube 4, the ice cube 2 is rather small.
i would agree with fishnutts, that the ice cube 4 is the way to go. i have owned the cube 4 for 3 years now and i love it. [cool]
What's the approx. price for those Cube 4's?
i think i paid 170.00 for it 3 years ago. there is a quick flip 3 on the 4 sale board for the same price. same shelter different color.
i bought mine from Redrock store, free shipping in the US.
click the Ice Fishing Tackle & gear at the upper right of page. Then at the bottom of the next page click Ice shelters.
They have all different makes and sizes with a short review.
looks like the Eastman/Gorilla ice cube 4 is $200.
I appreciate all the replies from you guys.

Reason I asked about the Ice Cube 2, I know it's not quite as roomy as some of the others, but the price was right: $100 bones from a site I don't recall at the moment.

Looks like Santa is coming to my house this year (finally! heehe)
The Ice Cube 2 will be tight for 2 people.
The IC4 is nice for 2 and 3 can manage bet 4 people are very cramped in it.
If you will be using it for just you the IC2 will work.
Otherwise go with the 4.
Thanks Dale!