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Full Version: Strawberry 11-24-09
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Strawberry producing some nice fish right now, me and two friends didn't catch a lot of fish, but what we did catch was sure nice and all keepers (tough to do at strawberry). My buddies got two Rainbows 18" & 19" and the smaller Cutty in the picture. He was just tipping 22" @ 3lb 8oz . I caught the big boy in the picture and he was just under 25" @ 5lb 11oz. Not to bad for a morning of bank fishing. The two Rainbows and my large Cutty was caught on Power bait (go figure, LOL). The other Cutty was caught on a Lucy Craft Pointer 78. I was using my light action Ugly stick and 4 lb line when I caught my 5 pounder, that was a lot of fun to say the least.
Good for you. It is amazing to me how you can catch nothing but slot cuts for ten trips and then one trip everyone tangles with fish over the slot. That is a beautiful cutty. Congrats.
Where were you guys at? Were you close to any of the ramps and if you were how did they look? Anyone launching boats? How much snow is on the ground? We are looking to make one last run this Friday with the boat and we are looking for some info on launching conditions. We like to hit the renegade area but we will launch at whatever ramp is in the best shape and drive across the water to get there. Any info would be very helpful. thanks
Sorry we weren't close enough to any of the boat launches to comment on them. There was some snow, few inches on the ground and a lot of ice on the ground by the edge of the lake. I would think the launches might have snow on them, the road to the dam was almost all snow. We fished the view point and by the dam.