Fishing Forum

Full Version: blazer, nickajack, bass, 11-24-09, procraft
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<br /> after such a good day yesterday we had to get out this morning to see if we could have a repeat.but we got to the lake to find out they had dropped the water level 3ftemoBang but we wasnt going to let that bring us down to much.things started out pretty good as Kenneth put a nice 5.5lbder in the boat and a couple cast later a 4lbder,so we was starting to think we was going to have another great day,but the action really slowed after that and we only managed to put 3 more keepers in the boat in the next couple of hours.since the bass was playing fair we decided to go after a few crappie but that didnt work out we went back to the area were we had been catching the bass but there was a boat sitting on them so we decided to go home and get some work done.we ended up catching 6 bass with 5 keepers that would have went around 18-19lbs,2 drum and 2 perch.all bass were caught on a spoon except 1 that come on a rapala countdown.