we went to scofeild today and hamered the wee fish with the Maniac orange cutter bug. No big ones fell to me today, but theres always tomarrow and i know what I'll start with. The MANIAC
[cool]Thanks for the tip, pikeman. I'll have to grab me some of those and try them out soon. How was the ice? Is it frozen out to the shacks yet (that point just past the dam)?
[cool] Yes they were working good today I will be up there in the morning taking my 4 year old who has been waiting since last year to hit the ice. We will be in the eastman ice tent see you up there. I dont know who is more excited me or the kid I love watching him catch fish all day I am gonna relax and watch him reel them in! Cant wait for the morning
] By the way the crawdad plastics were hitting good today as well tipped with a wax worm.
Good to meet you today Pikeman. We caught a few more after you left. Thanks for the bait as well.[sly]