Just got back from Scofield, caught about 30 fish. We arrived the night before at about 9pm and fished till midnight. Only caught one at night. Got up at 430 am and started fishing. I must have drilled ten holes trying all different kinds of baits without any luck, then bam! everything started working at about 7am and it didnt stop. The ice was about 6 in thick in most places by the dam. We were catching them on worms, green powerbait, jigs, and minnows. Ending up catching the most about 15 feet from the shore and about 8 feet down. They definately liked movement. I would sink the the bottom and gradually bring the baits to the surface till fish followed then drop if i saw small ones grabbing it. Most of the fish were tiger trout about 8 to 10 inches. But a few were 15 inches plus and chubby!
We ended up leaving early cus my buddy I was with forgot his license and got checked by the ranger. I had my license but turns out since it was an in state license and I have only been back in utah about about a month, it shouldn't have been sold to me. So now I have to go back to walmart and get an out of state license.
All in all it was a great trip....
Nice Report,did you or your buddy get a ticket.[cool]
Were you the guy fishing up close to shore in the rocks who asked about the slot limits for Tiger and Cutts? I was wearing the fur hat and fishing waders, fishing in between the other groups. I saw two guys leave after the ranger showed up, I guess now that was you guys. He came and checked everyone's license and the fish they had kept.
Fishon2 was also there with his two kids. When I left fishon2 and his kids total tally was 86 fish. The fishing started somewhat slow and then blew up into a frenzy at about 10 am. It was the fastest ice fishing for trout that I have ever experienced, although the fish were generally small. My sonar screen at times was just a huge cloud of fish, it was impossible not to hook up with any. I fished from 8 to noon, and I guess I caught about 30-40 fish by myself.There were down times, then suddenly the schools of trout moved through and it was insane. Along with the dozens of small rainbows, I got about 5 tigers, 1 cutt, and suprisingly enough - 1 brown trout. I have never caught a brown in Scofield before, and apparently there are a few that come in from the feeder stream.
Yes that was us.
I got a warning ticket, I have seven days to buy an out of state license which I would have already bought if walmart had sold me the correct one. I have a utah drivers license but its only a month old. My buddy got a ticket but was able to provide his license later when his wife answered the phone so I think his ticket got torn up.
I didn't have a fish finder but they were definitely crazy. I got two browns as well. I only kept 2 rainbows and a 1 cut. Most of what I caught were only tigers no bigger than 12 - 13 inches. The majority of them were about 8-10. I haven't seen trout fishing like that before either. Reminded me of fishing for peacock bass in Panama.
My buddy got a huge tiger right to the hole and the ice cut his line. it looked to be near 24 inches. Biggest one we caught was that cut.
Was the entire lake frozen over?
For the most part. It was very thin everywhere but the dam. Stay near the dam and you should be safe...
Thanks for the report. I may be going up there later this week. If this week doesn't work, I will be up there next week for sure. Maybe the ice will be thicker by that point. Thanks again.
I was up there all day yesterday and the entire lake is still open water other than the bay that the damn is in... I wish I would have taken my soft water gear. It was frustrating too, They say you gotta "fish through" the little fish to catch a nice one, It was impossible to fish through them because they hit everything before you could get to the bottom. I never thought It would be frustrating as long as you are catching fish. For me, it is very frustrating when they are all 5-6 inchers. Minus one 19 incher my buddy caught.
How far up the madsen arm is it frozen (the first arm by the boat ramp)? I would be surprised if the lake wasn't capped by now with the low temps up there.
The forecast looks awesome!!! it'll be completely frozen this weekend for sure.
I find that extremely frustrating as well. I would rather catch 1 big fish then 100 5-6 inches. I had a day similar to that this summer. You almost get to the point where you don't want to set the hook just because it feels like another small fish. Thanks for the update.
I guess it depends on my mood. I do feel bad if the lil ones swallow the hook...