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I had really been wanting to hit Henrys before the season closed, but the end was approaching and I still hadn’t made the trip. I guess Monday had to be the day. So I left early Monday morning (12:30 am to be exact) and got to the lake a little before 6am. I first set up shop at Staley’s and was the first on the frozen water. I did miss a couple of bites early, but it was slow going. Shortly after arriving the crowds came with their spud bars and gas powered augers which couldn’t have helped the fishing in 4-6 feet of water. I saw some fish caught but they were few and far between. I did have one to the hole but when I looked down he was snagged in the back. Not sure how that happened since I was using a crawler with the hook barely exposed and it was just sitting there.

Around 8am I landed the first and biggest for the day. It was a little over 25 inches and 5.3 lbs. Really skinny compared to the other fat cutts I have caught out of Henrys. Also had a darker color and a weird shaped body.

After spending the next hour without a bite, it was time to move. I first went to take a break and go find meal or wax worms but couldn’t find any. The next move paid off and I caught 13 others in the next 3 hours. About half were brookies, which I always love to catch ,and a few of the cutts and hybrids were in the 3-4 pound range. I did see a guy catch around an 18 or 19 inch brookie that was fat.

I was planning to fish until dark but the wind started blowing and I had a long drive home so I called it a day around 3.
Good report Kory. You are one die-hard angler.
Nice report and pic thanks.
Nice I have seen some dark like that my father in law has caught he lives up there year round (rough huh). Was there a million people up there?
Nice report. It's interesting that the photo of the big fish looks as if someone hooked him right in the gill. That's amazing that the fish survived that. I'm always amazed how some of these fish survive when they look like they have been catch 100 times already. It would be interesting to see how many times a fish gets caught during the year at a place like Henry's that gets fished to death.
[quote TubeFisherman]Nice report. It's interesting that the photo of the big fish looks as if someone hooked him right in the gill.[/quote]

I think it was probably the picture that made it look like something was wrong with that gill. Probably the way I was holding it because I don't remember seeing anything.

onehun, there were a number of people, but not nearly as many as there were during the opener. Later in the day I was fishing next to only two people for a few hours.
Thanks for the report! Henry's is a fun lake to fish and I have yet to ice fish it. Looks like it's worth the trip!