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Full Version: MMMMM Yummy catfish! Utah lake (report)
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Got out to Pelican Marina yesterday about 7:30. It was even slower than when I went out with kent. All I got was 1 bite and 1 mudcat. My buddy that came along landed a nice 6 pounder after being there for 10 minutes. But that was all till we got over by the pumphouse. Again all I got was a couple of bites but My buddy probably caught 6 channels and 12 mud all under 6". HaHa I have never seen cats that small. We determined that they were atracted to his rattlin red night bobby. Then they would see the bait and strike. Slowest day ever for me at Utah lake. EVER![unimpressed] At least I get to eat the yummy critters since my buddy doesnt care for em' to much.[Smile]

GOOD FISHIN TO YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!