12-02-2009, 10:00 AM
I got the boat in the water at about 7 AM at Soddy Creek this morning with a NW wind and freezing temps to start the day, :o 1st stop on structure produced some nice crappie and a couple nice spots as a plus. I caught the 1st 15 inch crappie in a long time along with 2 that were almost 14 and a couple 12&#39;s to make the 1st stop a good one, emoThumbsup <br />BTW; I wonder who owns the house boat that&#39;s sinking near the mouth of Soddy Creek at the river, emoQuestion It doesn&#39;t look like too bad a boat but it&#39;s gonna be on the bottom in a couple more days. I looked for a phone number but didn&#39;t see one to call the owner. It&#39;s sitting on a 3 foot ledge right now but if the wind gets up it will be in 20 FOW when it moves just a few feet toward the channel, emoEek <br /><br />Most of the bite was very light and on about a 20 count today, very few were more shallow than 20 feet and mostly in 30 FOW. Water temp was 56* in most places emoEek , :bobber15: Caught fish on the same lures that DK &amp; Labman used today, <br />Flow was pretty fast and made dock fishing difficult to keep from getting hung on the dock posts.<br />I ended the day about 12:40 with 21 crappie and 4 bass, emoBig
I lost one big spot when I tried, (like a dumb ***) to lift him into the boat on the 4 lb line, not using the net. I checked to see that he was hooked really good so thought it was more trouble to get the net out from under everything in the bottom of the boat so tried to lift him. Of course he gave a big &quot;flop&quot; and broke the 4 lb line. I wonder how many times I have to do that b 4 I learn better, emoMad <br />It was a good day but really started cold with line guides freezing up calling for the rod to be dipped in the drink to thaw them out, emoSmile <br />Still a lot more fun than working, emoThumbsup emoThumbsup <br />Lookin&#39; forward to a trip with DK on Thursday and maybe with Catfish1 on Sunday. I&#39;m behind from all the working and now that I&#39;m off I&#39;m tryin&#39; to catch up, emoSmile emoFish