Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 12/03/09, Hal
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With Hal joining the company of the unemployed, we decided to fish on Thursday vs Friday this week. Good choice. We landed 45 crappie including one TARP black crappie for Hal. He landed another crappie that was 13.75 inches long. I had 3 or 4 crappie over 13 up to 13.5 inches long. We kept 22 crappie for the freezer and were throwing back 11" fish. Great quality fish today. Hal also landed a 3 lb 2 oz largemouth bass that was caught off a bluff. He thought that he was hung up for a minute or so, until the hangup started swimming. emoBigSmile 4 small bluegills finished off our day. I think that we only had 3 undersized fish all day. Most were over 11" and caught on bg shads in the albino color and also some pearl bg shads.<br /><br />Most fish came off deeper brush and bluffs. We did try a few docks and landed several fish on a 4 count down over 20 feet of water. Then some of the fish on those docks were deep. Most bites were very subtle today. More visual strikes than normal. We had a few fish pull off after a short fight, but most fish had the lure deep in the roof of the mouth.<br /><br />It was cold out there today. We never did take our coats off. We took gloves off to fish, but if I could only wear them fishing, today would have been a day when I would have worn them. NW wind had a bite to it. 55,000 cfs, water temp later in the afternoon was 55 degrees on my unit. We saw Labman early this AM. I had left my life jacket in his boat on Tuesday, so Hal and I ran to CFP to meet him first thing. He was fishing with Jerry today. We saw 1 cruiser all day and only one more bass boat out. Sure is nice having all these crappie spots to ourselves today. That's it for me this week unless it is a balmy 60 degrees tomorrow, but that isn't predicted. But you can never tell about these lying weather men. emoBigSmile emoGeezer Now, I have to go clean fish.