Anyone have a proven mosquito repellent that really works other than buying the commercial grade "Brown Trout in a Drum" from Monsanto Chemical Corp. (they also made Agent Orange). I couldn't put on enough repellent last night at Willard Bay to keep pesky critters off me.
I have good success with the Muskol brand in the 6 hr. and 10 hr. formula. Keeps the mosquitoes off me at Utah Lake while catfishing at night. The Cutter Deep Woods formula also works for me. The mosquitoes still hover over and land on you but doesn't bite.
Tight lines,
Deep Woods Off. Wont keep the gnats or mayflies away too well, but I never get bitten by skeeters!!!
I agree with Teroy. If you keep giving yourself a spray of Deep Woods off every now and then the mosquitos will hardly bite, but it doesn't keep all of the bugs away. That's the worst part though....Having a million bugs buzzing in your ears.
I like both Deep Woods Off and the Cutter brands, however when I was in sportsmans the other day, I say a spray that claimed to keep away the black flies and a couple other pests as well. I can't remember the name, but I wonder if anyone has tried it?
I have been using Avon's Skin So Soft for years. I know it seems crazy but it works. I had to work everyday along the Colorado River near Bullhead City, AZ. They have some real bad gnats and mosquitoes down there in the morning and evening time. I tryed everyting to keep them away until one day this old guy told me to try something different. He gave me a spray bottle of something and told me to try it out. I tested it and it worked great. No bugs even came near. I told the guy you should bottle this and sell it really worked. He told me what it was and I told him he was crazy. But it does work.
[size 2]They use this in boot camp also when they are in training to keep the insects off of the soldiers. It is one of the things that was on a friends, husbands list when he was going in to training for the army. [/size]
31 ways to use
Skin So Soft
1 It's a bath oil.
2 After shower moisturizer.
3 Use to remove makeup.
4 Suntan oil, NOT sunscreen
5 Moisturize & relax feet, use in a foot soak.
6 Hot oil treatment for nails
7 Massage oil for tired, sore muscles.
[#ff0000]8 Naturally repels insects as recommended in Outdoor Life & Field & Stream Magazines.
[/#ff0000]9 Relieves itching caused by insect bites & dry skin.
10 Sponge on screens and around doors/windows to keep crawling bugs, flies and mosquitos out.
11 Good wood cleaner and conditioner for natural wood. Cuts grease from kitchen cabinets easily.
12 Removes chewing gum from hair, skin and most non-porous surfaces.
13 Removes glue & gum left from price tags & labels from glass, metal and most plastics.
14 Cleans tape marks left from bandages on skin.
15 Gently cleans HEAVY oil & grease from skin and non-porous surfaces. Use for mechanics hands!
16 Cleans ink from skin and most vinyl & painted surfaces.
17 Removes lime & hard water deposits from tile, windows & shower doors.
18 Removes soap scum from showers, bath/kitchen fixtures
19 Removes tar spots from cars w/out damaging paint.
20 Lubricant for pipe joints and door hinges.
21 Removes paint/stain from skin
22 Cleans paint brushes, leaves them soft as new.
23 Removes gum from carpets.
24 Apply to edge of counter to keep ants away.
25 Cuts grease & cleans dirt from range hoods.
26 Removes odors from hands after cleaning fish.
27 Use to shine your auto tires.
28 Gets gum off false teeth.
29 Cleans shower tile.
30 Fights off sand ticks.
31 Mix five parts water to one part SSS and mist on show animals. Makes their coats gleam and keep sinsects off so your animal doesn't fidget.
Although we sell Skin So Soft strictly as a bath oil, many people have found it to be effective for the above uses.
[cool]Hey, Nighthawk, I'll back you up on that one. I was first exposed to using the Avon stuff when I lived and fished in the New Orleans area. Down there they have "marsh mosquitoes" that are being considered as the state bird. Two or more can gang up on you and carry you off to feed somewhere else.
There are also a lot of those nasty biting little gnats called "no seeums". You literally do not notice them until your arm is on fire from hundreds of them all chomping a hole out of you at the same time. That sweet smelling stuff keeps off both the skeeters and the no seeums.
Most of the bait and tackle shops down there have displays of the Avon Skin So Soft on their front counters. It almost seems funny when you go into a bait house to pick up some live shrimp at "oh dark thirty", and the place is full of big burly Cajuns that all smell like they just came from a house of ill repute...whatever that is.
I can't say that mosquitoes are one of the things I miss about fishing in Utah. I have also served my time "snortin skeeters" on Willard. I usually use the Deep Woods Off...and a head net. I can tolerate an occasional bite, but I just hate coughing up a swallowed bug...or digging them out of my ears.
Down here in Arizona, we see little flakes drifting down while we are out on the water. They are usually mosquitoes that got lost from Utah and burned up when they crossed the border.
i like using the cutter stick around my neck, ears, and eyes . . its cleaner, easier to apply, doesnt burn, fits in the tacklebox . . headnets are great if sleeping under the stars too . .
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]When you look at repellants, check for the deet content. A lot repellants have up to 30% deet. These work great but can't be good for you with years of extended use.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Skin-so-soft has really expanded their line of products to accomodate sportsman. them have it with spf 30 sunscreen in it that I find works good for Willard. My only objection is I find the smell a little to "feminine" for my manly tastes but who cares about if the mosquitos stay off. [/size][/font]
that 'splains that, we had heard stories . .

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We use cutter all the time except for last night out at utah lake. I must have a dozen or more bites and I can relate to the "snortin mosquitos thing". I got a bite IN my nose last night. Every time i get near that darn bite my left eye tears up. It's like one of those huge zits you get on the inside of your nose when you were a teenager! Remember those
] It's comedy though to watch all the guys on the dikes doing the mosquito dance. Next time I am going to bring the camcorder and hopefully I can get some funny footage like I saw last night. There was a group of at least 20 spanish people out on the pelican marina dike and just about everyone was jumping around flayling there arms in the air. I couldnt stop laughing.[sly] Since I didnt have my bug spray last night I decided to hang out with all the huge spiders on the docks. There are less mosquitos there at night. I think they like all the rocks and brush to hide in.
GOOD FISHIN TO YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]So, southernman? what stories have you heard, big boy?[/size][/font] [
