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Does anyone know where the best fly fishing places around southern Utah are right now? Also what types of flys to use in the area if you know. Thank You!
Most places I've been working have gotten extremely slow. It's probable all the holiday pressure and middle of summer. Go hit your favorite hole and see what happens.
I will have to ditto that. It has been slow down here. I think it's the heat...
Southern Utah is a big place. What are you looking to fish? Streams, or lakes? I just got back from a trip to the Boulders. We flyfished a lake from shore using only hoppers. Caught fish all day long. Most were about the size of the one I attached (some bigger, some smaller). Where are you looking to go?
guess I forgot to attach the pic. Here it is (i hope)

Do you have a float tube?
yes I do. Use it all the time.
I am mostly looking for some good rivers or streams but if there is a lake doing well I don't want to pass it up!
Do you have any lakes you fish that are not too far on the Boulders that you can take a tube?

If you have a tube, we ought to hook up sometime in the fall and wet a line. I've tried to meet up with your bro. but it never works out.
Loopy, do you mean too far to drive, or to hike in with the tube? Blind has been pretty fantastic fishing all spring / summer long. I think that it will start to drop off a bit (not much) from now until fall. It is a good lake for fishing from a tube, unless the wind comes up. W2U is heading up on top with my dad on Thurs. I believe that they are going to go try Crater lake and see if they can catch a few Grayling. Purple lake was good fishing a few weeks ago, and should still be good (if you can stand the mosquitoes), but you wouldn't want to drive your vehicle into it.

We need to get W2U, myself and you lined up for a day of fishing somewhere. My schedule is pretty full for the next few weeks (family reunions, oh joy!), and I know that W2U has football starting up pretty quick, which means his fishing and upcoming hunts will be pretty sparse also. Have you been to Kolob lately?
Manning meadow Reservoir (Monroe Mountain) should be a great place to go right now with the weather being so hot. It opened to fishing this last weekend but I haven't heard any reports. Last year the fishing was great for cutts anywhere from 12-18" every evening we were up there. My best outing was 25 fish in two hours. We caught them on anything that we threw at them fly or spin fishing. If you would rather fish a river try Kingston canyon right now but try it early with a hopper pattern if you wait too long the fish will be so full (there's an infestation of hoppers in the area) they won't even look at your fly. The farmers in the area will let you fish the posted areas if you talk to them but there still is some unposted ground that can be fished. They pulled a 6 lb brown out of there on a leach pattern two weeks ago.
Yea my schedule is hectic with school right now. And my wife is pregnant. (she is due in a month) So, I can't really head out anywhere until the fall I figure. But for sure we need to hook up. I'd like to get W2U to come along too. Maybe some Saturday in the fall sometime?

I went to Kolob a couple of weeks ago. It was way slow. We hit it in the morning. I usually like to hit it in evenings during the summer months. But this was not an option so I left only catching one and losing about 4.
how close can you get to purple in a reg vehicle? to the last turnoff? that would be about 1 - 1-1/2 miles . . ??? didja try any of the other lakes there?


Manning Meadow would be an excellent place to go. Barney would be a good bet also (2 miles from manning -- try some hoppers!) Just an FYI on some of the land through Kingston Canyon. The DWR is working on purchasing a bunch of the private area that is posted. Hopefully this will go through, and some access points will be put in place. The DWR is also trying to purchase some easements along the Sevier on a stretch above the BLM property in Kingston Canyon, and also do some stream restorations. If all this goes through, expect this section of river to become even better!

Southernman, you are correct. You can get within about 1-1/2 miles from Purple in a 2-wheel drive vehicle (even a car if you wanted). The hike up the hill wouldn't be fun, but it is hikeable. Banana winterkilled totally, but the lake next to it overwintered some fish (DWR went and netted both to confirm this). Blue always overwinters fish. Drove right past the other Row lakes without even looking. Purple overwintered fish, and they are in really good shape. If anyone is interested in a picture, maybe tomorrow I will post one of a nice brook trout from Purple.
thanks for the info pbh, and we always like to see the pics@!

Got a bit busy yesterday, but here is a picture from Purple. This lake will winterkill every few years (some years just a partial, others a total). The fish have made it for the last 3 years (or so). There are some nice brook trout in it right now, but I'm afraid this might be the last year. I don't think that they will make it through the next winter. This drought has been to hard. Anyway enjoy the pic.
nice pic, thanks! love that scenery!
