well I went out again today,[cool]
I started out going after pike. caught me a couple little gills for bait. nothing to big just about 5-6 inches. [cool]
I sat out there for hours on end before seeing any action. once my pike got wind of my gill he was all for it. when he hit the first time and I was not paying attention and when I looked for my bobber I could not find the 3 inch in diamiter any where, I gave it a tug and thought it would make a splash on the water and I would know were it was. [

well it tugged back! I had no idea how long he had my gill so I attempted to set the hook. in doing so I through the pike. so with out reeling in cause my gill was not dead and still moving the giant bobber I left it out, (it was about a 100 yards out) I sat and watched close this time. [crazy]
when the pike desided to hit again I was ready. the pike grabbed my minnow and and made a motor boat out of my bobber leaving a wake behind him. the bobber then did a nose dive! I closed my bail and atempted to set the hook again only to throw the pike again. still my gill was still there and alive. so I left it out there. [crazy]
yep wouldnt ya know it that pike was not going to give up. about 10 minutes later he hit again. this time I had no hope. he grabbed the gill so fast and dove down in to the weed bed. and this time he got my gill. [pirate]
after about 6 hours of pike fishing I desided to swich back over to gills so I would not home empty handed.[blush]
3 hours of daylight left I grabed my ultralight with 4 pound test line, number #8 arberdeen snell hook and got back on the water. [cool]
the gills was not vary active tonight, one or two her and there. most of the gills was about 2 inches in lenth. (where were they when I wanted pike bait [

]) mostly because of the predator fish feeding.
about an hour in to my gill fishing I hooked in to a small carp. it took off after coming twards me for a bit, and made a run. I reached down and loosened up the drag, I did not want to loose him even thoug I was not going to eat him. well at the end of his run he jumped 3 feet in to the air, boy was I excited! my carp had turned in to a 20 inch brown trout!!! [shocked]
I thought for sure I was going to loose when he hit the water, but as luck would have it I still had a hold, three more jumps later I still had him, and now he was beginning to tire and I started making some head way. I got him in about 5 feet from me and could not get him to come in any closer, he just swam around me in circles, I did not have a net so I was going to have to tire him all the way out. he first made three circles to the right spinning me around and around, I was starting to get dizzy [unsure] He turned and strarted making circles in the other direction, he went around me once then on his second time around he jumped right out of the water slapped me in the face landed back in the water and spit out the hook. that 20 inch brown turned in to a 20 inch smallmouth bitch (female dowg of a big bass) with a big tail to tell!!!! and what she had to say was kiss my but [shocked]
well I was dumbfounded, that is the first time I had been played the fool by a fish[laugh], she was 12 pounds if she was an ounce.
20 minuts of reel screeming battle was a blast, you bet ya I was pissed that she got away, but more in shock, never seen a smallmouth bass that big that close, [sly]