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Full Version: Causey Report 12/11/09
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Causey is completely frozen and near the dam there is about 4-5 inches of solid ice. The edges are solid as well. I did not try other areas, but the dam area is ready and the fishing sucked. Tried 15-30 feet of water, used all kinds of stuff and never got a hit. Never marked any fish on the finder either. I only had an hour so hopefully I can get back up there and redeem myself.
There was a report of some guy falling in the scout arm so be careful out there.


BTW- Pineview is completely capped too. Wont be long [Wink]
hey hookjaw.thanks for the update on causey. Sounds like da fishin is really lame. I guess just trying is worth the trip than not goin at all aye. I'm still thinkin about goin up tomorrow but still not 100% sure. This storm has been some real heavy junk. Wondering if it impact the ice beings that its not all that thick. But 4-5" seem safe enough anyway. I'm thinkin about maybe just goin to Mantua since its closer. Never have fished it before,not sure where the warm spots are. Guess I'll look for others out first aye? LOL.[Wink]
I decided to head to Mantua in the morning. It sound like it is better fishing and easier access.
Yeah that's getting to be my thoughts too. I'll save Causey for this weekend. [Wink] still debating for Mantua. Guess I'll see what the storms do for the rest of the night. Need to go somewhere. Don't like going aloane this time of year especially to hard water I've never been to before. If ya see a gold dodge then I decided to make the flight.. [bobhappy]