Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, got my fix..., 12/13/09, solo
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After church and a couple honey dues it was 2:00. My wife asked what I had planned the afternoon and then mentioned she was going to decorate for Christmas. emoMad I like Christmas but do not like to decorate. I quickly replied I was planning to go fishing. emoRolleyes Got to the lake in at 2:30 and decided to hit the main lake. Most of the lake is pretty muddy right now. I usually do fair this time of year on drops on the main lake and deep drop pockets. I stuck mainly to two baits. The pig and jig and my go to bait in the winter...a big slow rolled spinner bait.<br /><br />The first three I had on I lost. emoAngry One crushed my spinner bait and I set the hook. Reeled about five times and it just came off. The next one hit the pig and jig. Pitched it by a little cut in the steep bank, the line bounced and I set the hook. Good fish, got it half way to the boat. It came up, looked to be about 3 lbs, jumped and the jig just came out. emoAngry Then the next one, again on a little cut in the bank I pitched the jig, line bounced and I set the hook. Pow! Line breaks on the hook set. emoBang <br /><br />Finally working a steep bank again, there was a tree that had fallen in. I took the big blade and swam it right by the tree trunk. Line tighten and it was on!! Good fish, drag sang and the rod bent well. I saw the bass and it looked huge. I wore it down a little and got my thumb in it's mouth. I weighed her and she was 4 lbs and 13 ozes. emoThumbsup I worked three more steep banks and one deep pocket. Boated a 17 inch smallmouth, a three pound largemouth and another one that was built like a football but was only fifteen inches. Had one other nail the blade but it missed it and did not come back. Nice little trip. I left at 5:30 so not too bad a trip for only three hours in the winter. emoDance Jmax