Went up to FG last night with Dad, tried two areas between Buckboard and just above the confluence. Fished from 8 to 60 feet of water in about 15 holes, some up against steep cliffs where it gets deep in a hurry, some in sloping rock and gravel beaches, some up in the back of bays. Ice was 16" thick in the shade of the cliffs, down to 6" in the bays, some areas and middle of the lake still liquid. Dad caught one blocky rainbow about 18". Nothing else.
Used regular glowing jigs tipped with shrimp (which caught the rainbow), salmon eggs, or chunks of shiners.
Sorry, no pics of the dark, black, empty ice..
Iam pullin the bs flag on the 16'' of ice near buckboard or the confluence, as of last night ther was aton of open water, and clear back in the bays only had 5in fire hole dont even have 16''. we use sucker meat not shrimp and do the best. the fishing has been slow but if you dead stick glow grubs tiped with sucker meat you should catch them.
I'm wondering what makes you think I have a reason to lie about something like that?
There was a south facing spot across the channel south of the Buckboard Marina that had open water right up to the shore line. I got turned around driving in the dark, but we drove up to one area north of Buckboard, where I think I was facing Northeast, and at the base of a rocky cliff about 40 feet high, I could get a jig down a measured (arm-span) 60', only about 50' off shore. The ice was @ 16" thick, as measured by our hole dipper.
Need it notarized? Sheesh.
The trout was caught in a shallower minor bay, with about 6" of ice.
Do you guys read the post, or just jump to conclusions? He said the ice was 6 inches thick, except where it was shielded from the sun for the last several weeks. I have no doubt that ice that is up against an ice cold rock, staying in the shade could be 16 inches or more.
Is the confluence froze????????
I dont have to jump to conclusions pal iam on the lake every day so dont go there,there is not 16'' any were on FG. its bs reports like that that would get some one in trouble thats why i pulled the flag.even up the blacks fork on some of the shaded spots that have had ice for several weeks is only 12''tops and thats 15mil up from buckboard .learn the lake then tell me were ther is 16'' of ice.
Lakedrifter, It was dark when we got there, so I can't tell ya if the confluence is frozen over, but I would think not. Like I said, most of the main body of the rez, say, east of buckboard was wide open water once you got out a few hundred yards, and like I mentioned, the one place we drove up to facing south was liquid right up to the banks. But even in Buckboard on the boat ramp, there was 10" or so in shallow.
I'm sticking by the APPROXIMATE 16" in the one spot. I have a hand auger and most of the helix would be buried before I'd hit water, but that WAS only in the one spot. We looked at places along the shore where we didn't trust the ice. Also another bay looked like thin ice had broken up and been blown into it, so it was pretty thick, but slushy and chunky, not solid.
It was frozen a couple days ago but some real nasty pressure ridges with open water. I fished in a 'safe' spot near the shore and it was comparatively slow fishing. I won't be back for two weeks, should be safe by then.
like was said it was, then the fn w took care of it .