Anyone had any up to date information on echo's ice? Utcatman and I were gearing up head up there in the early morning if ice is safe. Any info would be great!
Fished echo south of the boat docks from about 8a.m. to about 3p.m. Ice was around 5-6" just about everywhere I drilled. The fishing was pretty good, we ended the day with about 14ish bows and a brown. All things considered, it was a great day for a first trip out on the hard deck.
Thank you for the update. My work friends and I are headed up Friday Morning. It will be our first trip on the hard deck this year. All of us are Jonesing to get out on the ice and try all of our new toys.
yea have a few toys of my own i would like to try out as well.
How is the SLUSH up there?
The slush wasnt bad in most spots, but there were areas that had deeper snow but had more slush underneath (the ice was usually about 2" thinner in those places as well), so I just steared clear of those areas.
I'll most likely be going up there friday morning as well. I'll be in the red eskimo tent, if you see me stop by and say hello.