Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jordanelle Report 7-13
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Took the wife and son to Jordanelle Sunday fished the coves north of the boat ramp useing night crawlers. Cought lots of perch a couple small mouth's and 4 pretty nice Rainbow's around the 13" to 14" range. Did'nt do any trolling or even throw a lure. Just one of those lazy days on the lake. Sure would ne nice if the PWC's would watch where they are going once in a while. But oh well. great day anyway

Good Fishing To All

Hey a-b will you be heading to the perch party on the 1st and 2nd?

GOOD FISHIN TO YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's what makes Jordanelle such a great place to fish. You have so many ways of catching fish and you never know what you might get. I like to smoke the trout, fillet the perch and release the smallies.
I was talking to the wife about that yesterday. We would like to but don't know for sure what going on that weekend we will check it out and let you know as soon as we can.

