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Do you have a friend or colleague in wildlife conservation whose dedication makes her stand out from the rest? Is her passion for wildlife contagious? Does she inspire other young women in her field and take the time to encourage them?

You can help her receive the recognition she deserves by nominating her for the Conserve Wildlife Foundation's 2010 Women & Wildlife Awards.

In March, Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey will honor two dedicated women for their roles in wildlife and natural resource conservation. Two Women & Wildlife Awards will be presented: one for Leadership and another for Inspiration.

Award candidates must be women engaged in the fields of wildlife science or natural resource conservation in New Jersey. The nomination deadline is January 22, 2010. The nomination forms are posted on the Conserve Wildlife Foundation website: .

If you know someone who deserves this honor, please take this opportunity to let her shine!

For more information, contact Patricia Shapella at or 609-292-3707.