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To keep this simple I am going Atlantic Salmon fishing on Fri (stocked Broodstock fish in CT) and the fish should be in the 2 to 5 lb avg. Is a 5wt fast action fly rod OK to use? My biggest fish to date is a 10 in brown so I have no idea how big a 2 to 5 lb salmon is and I don't want to break anything (my rod is the that $$$$ but it is my best)

thanks for any advice

oh I will be on the Beacon falls part of the Naugatuck in CT if any one knows the river

peace [Smile]
a 5 weight should be fine. i personally have hooked and landed the WA state record chum salmon on a fly rod, went 28lbs i believe... previous state record was 27... dident know at the time =-(

either way i caught mine on a 5 weight and just fine, it took alot of running up and down, and about a 30minute fight. maybe Trout_Slayer will chime in on the exact weight... either way let me get off my soap box... typically, even broad stock salmon will have alot of power behinde them. make sure you have a good strong leader and a low stretch tippet, be ready to run up and down the bank, and use your drag
I agree, a 5 would be fine, but I would look at a 6 to play it safe.
Even our Strawberry, I will seldom fish with smaller than a 6.
You can land the fish with a light rod if you remember to use the butt, but in the same breath, you will be playing it a little longer, which is not good.

There is a 24" river fatty trout at the Lodge caught on a 1 weight. Just saying, it can be done, but it took a very long time and that fish was dead from exhaustion.

Just my opinion, but I haven't landed a 28lb anything[cool]

Rivers are more pull too, something to consider. ^ weight means bigger, heavier bugs, plus better in the wind.