Fishing Forum

Full Version: Labman, Chickamauga, Crappie, 12/14/09, Jerry
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Put the boat in at CFP about 8:30 in very heavy fog. Followed the GPS to a couple of docks and got into some decent fish. Oh yes, checked an open water structure and had no fish there. We bounced between 3 docks and a deadfall and managed 28 fish. <br /><br />We then committed the cardinal sin of fishing and left active fish to run up river and try the creeks. The further upriver we went the more muddy the water became. Soddy and Possum Creeks were totally MUD and full of floating trash,limbs, logs, and a dead woodpecker. We tried several places with no action at all. <br /><br />This is the second time I have tried to fish in muddy water and caught nothing. I think there is a pattern here, lol. Jerry decided it was time to head back down river and when we got in better water we immediately started catching fish on docks again. We ended the day with 40 crappie, had several very nice chunky 12-13" + fish and a few smalls. Nothing spectactular but ok after wasting 3 hours playing in the mud. We used 1/16 oz BG Shad with tail light, and 1/32 oz on a shallow dock. I forgot the camera this morning, so this is just a fish story.<br /><br />Had a good time with Jerry as usual. He even gave in and bought a new reel. Saw Hal near soddy creek and he was having a tough day too. <br /><br />That's it for today. Hope to do better next trip.<br /><br />Regards, Labman