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Full Version: Jmax, Chick, Bass, 12/19/09, Revopro
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I was planning on hunting today for another deer but after all this rain where I hunt would be flooded. emoAngry So this morning I decided after getting up and not seeing rain or snow to go wet a hook. Revopro had asked me if I had a back seat open so I called him and he wanted to fill it. emoToast <br /><br />We got started about 9 this morning so did not get the real early bite. Headed for deep drops and within the first thirty minutes my line went slack all by itself while slow rolling a blade. Set the hook and a nice one that went 3 lbs and 8 ozes came into the boat. emoTongue Really thought the day was going to be a great one at that time. It was another hour before we managed another and again it was on a blade off a drop. She went 3 lbs and 11 ozes. emoSmile Was not getting a lot of bites but at least the ones we were getting were good ones. We kept pounding out a fish here and there but none as good as those first two. <br /><br />The big story of the day was the one that got away. Coming around a point just off the main river I was throwing a crank and one killed it. I slammed the bait home and thought at first it was a big cat or drum. Fought for just a couple seconds and came straight up by the boat. emoEek It was a beautiful big ol bass. I would guess a good seven pound give or take a half either way. It came totally out of the water and me and Colby could only stand there with our mouths gapping. I had not gotten the net out and really was not planning to, so I told Colby where it was and to get it. He started to and then said he would lip it. I went to pull her over towards him and she tore off. emoDoh That was a nice one I wished we could have weighed.<br /><br />Today was boated seven bass in all, had five nice keepers, two slicks and we lost or missed five others. We left at 2:30 so not a bad trip for only five and a half hours. Fish were either on a blade or crank. Water temp was 47 to 49 depending on where you were. Colby is a good partner and it was great to wet a hook with a friend on a cold and cloudy day. emoAngler Jmax