Fishing Forum

Full Version: Jerry, Nickajack Dam tailwaters, white bass, 12/21/09, Jake
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Jake (my dog) and I went fishing below Nickajack Dam today. The water temperature was 47 degrees. The river was muddy, with large logs floating, and the current was very strong (104,000 cfs). So, I stayed out of the main river (it was wild). There was no sign of sauger, but the white bass were thick and cooperative in the “lake” near the ramp. For those who like to fish for or eat white bass, there is a pattern at Nickajack Dam that works several days a week from now through spring. When the bait fish are in the ramp area, the white bass come in and feed. I troll two poles with 4 or 5 inch Rapalla Shad Raps (or Tail Dancers). It is important to use shad color with a black back as it is a strong producer. Today the black back outfished the blue back four to one and I got no hits on Hot-N-Tots. That is usual. I fish about 3 or 4 mph and sometimes use the big motor instead of the trolling motor. These Rapalla lures will track true no matter the speed and the white bass don’t mind a fast lure. I caught 30 fish in about 2 or 2 1/2 hours. They were 15 to 19 inches long and thick backed. It was a nice finish to an otherwise sauger-less day.