Made the trip out to Chesterfield today for a few hours. I was starting to question my decision after hearing bad reports from a couple of guys in the parking lot but decided to head out onto the ice anyway. Thanks to one of the guys in the parking lot, I was able to locate some recently abandoned holes, sparing me from fighting with my hand auger (power auger is still a few weeks away). The bite was pretty slow but I managed to land four fish, including a very nice 19 incher, in 2.5 hours with several missed bites too. I caught most fish suspended a few feet off the bottom with a green paddlebug and a small red jig.
I will be at Chesterfield on Thursday. What time did you start fishing and how many feet of water were you fishing in? I usually do best there with the green paddle bugs.
I know it has slowed down some since the early ice, but I still hope to be able to ice some.
I plan on returning Thursday too. I drive a blue 2 wheel drive GMC Sierra, complete with BFT bumper sticker. Perhaps we will run into each other...I will be alone as my son is in Florida until the 2nd. [:/]
I was fishing about 50-60 yards from shore directly out from the first small parking area. Water was only about 12' deep (6-10 turns on my reels) and the fish were suspended about 3-4 feet off bottom. The bite was slow but I can't wait to get back out there.
I should be in a white toyota sequoia.