Fishing Forum

Full Version: Labman, Chickamauga, Crappie, 12/27/09, Solo
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It had been a week since I got out fishing, so I was going to go today, wind or no wind. I put in at CFP about 11:30 and headed for a couple of docks that had been productive last week. Nothing doing, not a single bite. Tried another dock and another zero. Headed downriver and tried a bluff, pretty windy with a strong current, but found a place I could hold the boat ok, however the fish did not co-operate. I decided to head to the land of floating docks, eat my lunch and then try there. At least I would be out of the wind a bit.<br /><br />It wasn't fast and furious, but I managed to catch 15 keepers from 11 to 13 1/2". Also caught a couple of 9" smalls. Water was about 13-14' deep and I felt the fish were suspend about 4-5' deep. I was using a 1/16 oz jig with my new favorite BG Shad in bluegrass color. I was fishing along side the floating docks, using a 3-4 count, start retrieve and then stop and dead stick and let it fall. Almost all hit the jig on the dead fall. The wind was swirling and gusting a lot and would catch the boat and spin it around. I had one hookset over my shoulder as the boat spun my back toward the jig, I got her though, lol. I missed several bites when the wind made me get on the trolling motor instead of watching my line. Had a couple come off too. The bite was very subtle and you really had to pay attention to get a hookup. I probably missed several while I was fighting the boat. <br /><br />I had decided I would quit if I got to 15 keepers as the main river was looking very rough. I quit at 3:30 and headed out to the main channel. As I was going out a couple of guys in a bass boat said "good luck out there", we got soaked and the boat full of water trying to run into the waves. It was pushing whitecapping rollers that were 4-5' from top to trough. I know that sounds like a lot, but it is true. I have been in worse water, but not lately. I was running with the waves, and had to get on and off the throttle a lot to keep the bow from nosing into the crest. The main motor was coming out of the water when going over the crest. Just took it easy and eased my way through them. <br /><br />Made it back to the dock safe and sound, all fish returned for you fishing pleasure.<br /><br />Regards, Labman