
]Hey, Hit The pumphouse this morning early. Fishing was slow, so we headed up to Tibble Fork. Caught a TON of trout, both brook and rainbow. Kept a few for dinner. The Ice was 6" but you should be careful because of springs. They wanted worms n jigs, any way you served um. Great place for kids!!!
Good Luck,
Shawn n Ivan
Nice. How deep was the snow?
It had just started snowing again when we left, but on the lake it was 4" and ok Ice of about 4-6". Road was plowed good. You should head up for some fast catch and relase with a few keepers. Worm is all you need!!
Fun fishing,
Shawn M
Sounds like fun. I think the boy would dig it too. I'll have to try to get up there this weekend.
[cool][#0000ff]Nice work guys.[/#0000ff]
sounds fun. I have often wondered about ice fishing at tibble fork. my kids like going there in the summer/fall, but i don't often hear about people ice fishing there. I was just wondering if you could give a little more information about the springs and their general location so that I can avoid them. Is most of the lake pretty safe? Am i better to stay on the east or west side? etc. Any additional information you can give would be appreciated. It sounds like a good place to take four kids with little patience. Just don't want to ruin the trip by taking a swim. Thanks
Usually the springs are showing themselves with darker spots on the ice and or open water. Stay away from the inlet and outlet. The middle of the lake from the parking lot to the other side with people sleding on the mountain is ususlly ok, and has plenty of foot traffic. Just go slow and drill a few test holes. We have never had an issue, and Ice has been about 6" in most areas. Stick to the shore line near the Parking lot, 50' from shore. Stay away from edges and you should be fine. Let me know how you do.
Shawn M