Anyone been out to Magic or Oakley ice fishing recently? Curious how the fishing has been as I have a few days off this coming week and am looking to get out and hit the hardwater. I've been to Magic several times ice fishing but have never been to Oakley. Any info is greatly appreciated.
Haven't been to Oakley but the trout are bitting at Salmon Falls and an occasional perch. If you get to Oakley please give us a report.
Thanks for the info Michael. I do want to check out Salmon Falls as well. Any access points on the reservoir seem to produce better than others? How about depths and lures/bait? Thanks again.
Greys landing trout-jig, worm or artificial bait 8-20 fow
Big Sand Bay trout - jig, worm 8-20 fow
Norton Bay trout - jig worm 8-20 fow
red and white tube has caught the most fish so far
I have only 1 perch to claim so far
rooseworth two weeks ago about half way out near the old resort thing 23 fish in hours the biggest being 26 inches the average was 16 just a worm and a hook. jigging didn't produce anything did best with the line set at 8ft down
Thanks for the info. I'm not very familiar with Roseworth. Is the access good? Were you catching trout? Any other types of fish in there? 26 inches sounds like a dang nice fish. I may have to check it out. I've got too many places to explore. Thanks again and tight lines.
access is great there are two boat ramps and access roads all along the resivor if you get out there let me know hoe the ice is it was 4-6 in but with all this silly rains and warm ari im a bit worried aobut heading that way
Oakly is usually really late to freeze and thaws really fast, it can be good but the last two years not so much. You might consider lake walcot it has been amazing this year, catching our limits when we go and throwing anything under 3 lbs back the big ones are closer to 6.
You fishing Walcott on the ice?
Where have you been fishing at Walcott? By the dam, boat ramp or around farther? My parents live a couple miles from the dam and I have fished Walcott about 4 or 5 times, but not this year. Anything I've ever caught there has been big, but usually pretty slow. Seems like 1 or 2 fish in a day. Anyway I might have to drive down and see them this weekend.

Ice is about 10-14 inches thick right now on Walcott. The fishing has slowed down a little.
Guess I should have waited a few seconds to post my question.

I,ve been mostley on the south side of walcot but there has been a large group on the north side and I've heard reports that on up the river road it has been hot too. As far as slowing down I've not seen it we just find a spot that is between 10 and 15 feet with no holes and then hold on to your rods
I was going to say that Walcot usually is slow but nice fish. I've been fishing it for more that ten years and this is the first year I can say that it is hot.
Thanks for the info. I've never fished Walcott before. What species do you catch there and what do you use? Sounds like I may have to check it out. thanks again.
The only thing caught out there is rainbow. It is amazing you don't hear of a bass coming through the ice. As for productivity it has been a very good ice season but it has slowed down. I have fished it quite a few times since Christmas and there are fish being caugt but not like the middle of December. I was out there last Saturday. There were lots of icefisherman but not many people pulling up fish. There is alot more water leaving American Falls Dam as well as alot of water headed out of Minidoka. I wonder if the water flow has anything to do with the number of fish being caught?
Dang that isn't what I wanted to hear. I am planning to go somewhere tomorrow but not sure where yet. Trying to decide between Walcott, Salmon Falls Creek res. and Roseworth. Decisions, decisions... any suggestions?
I have been having the same dilemma.
We are catching kamloops a sub species of rainbows. Some old guy told me that they are sterile, i don't know if I beleive him though but they do get big fast and apperantly they have really putting alot of them in there. in the summer i like to chase the smallmouth there some years it is crazy phenomenal and the next almost a bust. I did go out this saterday with my father in law, left the truck at 8:30 and was back to the truck by 11:30 with two limits. I don't think its slowing down.
Sounds like I should have listened to you! We ended up going down to Sandy Bay. We talked to a guy who said he was out there on Saturday and only caught 2 all day. Guess I need to go out with you and see how it is done!
We had a good time anyway. Ended up with 4 total got there around 10 or so left at maybe 2:00? Had a great time with my 5 year old son and a buddy of mine. My son reeled in the biggest for the day. It was a hoot to hear the excitement in his voice. I think it shocked and scared him a little once he actually saw the fish when it got close to the hole. He said, "dad, I need some help, here you do it" so I helped him get it up through the hole. Great time!