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Full Version: Sportsman's Park (1-4-10)
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Got started at 7:30 Finished at 2:30. I managed to catch 32 perch 4" to 9" - 1 chub and lost a really large trout. Fishing was pretty steady until about 1:00 then it went dead. It looked like a ghost town out there only about 4 cars when I left. I fished in 26'deep about 6" off the bottom with a little green jig tipped with a maggot.
Too bad on the trout. I seem to only hook the little 12"ers down there. I was wondering it things were picking up yet. Even Ririe was slow Sunday for Kokes and Perch. Not sure if it is the weather or something else, but it seems the fishing has slowed quite a bit since the weather warmed up.
I will be down there Wednesday morning . I will be in an Eskimo Quickflip 2 with a 4 wheeler . If you see me come by and say high . It will be my first trip down there this season . Curt G.
I just bought an underwater camera . I am wondering if anyone has used one at Sportsmans Park . If the water is clear enough to justify packing all that extra weight . Thanks Curt G.
I take mine out there, but used the 4 wheeler to pull the sled. If you are fishing for perch on the bottom, the camera is great. If you are looking for trout up in the water colum, you will not see anything unless it is less than 1-2' away. I guess it depends on what you are fishing for.
Thanks for the quick reply . I will be targeting Perch , but hope to pick up a stray trout here and there . TEXAN64 was down there today and said he did real well . He caught a 10.5" perch and 17.5" trout that was real fat . He also lost a nice trout right at the hole . Thanks Curt G.
Where do you go at Sportsmans to fish is it easy to find?
Yes it is easy to find go to google maps look at american falls res it is called big hole on the map just east of aberdeen.I have been going east of the boat dock about 200 yards from the other side about 26' deep.
So how far are you walking? and on google earth is it like a cove or arm off the reservoir?
It is a cove and I have been walking about 500 to 600 yards.
Well I was hoping to come up tommorro but a friend who doesn't have an auger is taking 5 high schoolers out tommorro and needs some of my gear, so we will be heading to Salmon Falls Creek Res, sure hope to find some perch. I would like to keep in touch and when I do come that way maybe we could meet and fish together. Like wise if you would ever come this way.

Thanks for the info and help.
Sounds good.This is my first year ice fishing so I am still learning. Glad I could help.[fishin]