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my brother (Trout_Slayer)'s lab had a litter of pups, and since its starting to look like im not deploying i got to pick one. so i choose this one. i named him Moose, because he is the biggest in the litter. he is an absolute freaking TANK!!!! the pic attached doesent even do him justice, plus i was waiting for my poker game to start, so he was much more happy laying in my lap. anywho, im going to do this right this time. i am going to get him as obediant as freaking possible so i can have him on the river with me and not worry about him running towards people, other dogs, or animals unless i let him =-)
Right On!!!! He is a doll. Labs are smart, I think you will get him trained right.

My buddy although vertically challenged does appreciate fish.

[Image: IMG_1763.jpg]

He does okay on my boat, but took him with me to the Provo...not so well. I leave him tied up and he cries the minute I walk away, like in the river.
Oh well.
im not worried about the boat... thats why i want to spend alot of time with him, i want him well behaved on the river.
I am sure it will happen. Like I said, Labs are smart.[cool]
Wieners have attitude[mad]
Best fishing buddy you can have. I've got two (a 60-pounder and a 105-pounder), and they both love fly fishing. The older one will watch the drift of the fly, see the take, and get excited as I lift the rod. He KNOWS! He'll point risers too!

My oldest took to some training and became "behaved" for fishing at about 18 months. The two year old pup still doesn't quite get it, but this will be his year to learn.

[inline IMGP5805.JPG]

[inline "2007-09-04 001.JPG"]

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thats exactly what i want Jim.... mind if i ping you here and there for some tips? this will be the first time im doing this with a pup alone.
Sure. I'm no training pro or expert, and the oldest one was just born a genius (I think), but I can give you some tips. My younger one is, well, lets say, "challenged" a bit.

The first thing, and a mistake I made with the young pup, is to be sure and not get suckered into the "so cute" thing in creating bad habits. Try to stay firm. Dogs easily forgive, and don't take criticism personally for very long.

I made the mistake of letting my pup go after fish I was bringing in on the river because it was just "so cute." Well, I'm still trying to break him of it!

If you just teach the simple commands of sit, stay, come, and heel; and enforce it enough so that they listen nearly EVERY time, it transfers to the river quite well. I also discourage rude habits like licking, approaching others, approaching other dogs, etc so that they don't become a threat to other anglers.

Teaching and training are just a matter of setting the rules, and being consistent. Repetition. I don't really know any tricks other than that. Keep commands basic and, again, consistent. Food treats are great bribery.

Maybe we'll have to try and get the pups together on a river somewhere this summer.
Congrats on new pop. Im sure that you will do just
fine after all Im sure that you are well trained your
self as well.[Smile]
I mean that in a good way ofcourse.[angelic]

he is a great looking dog.. congrats.. I am sure you will things in control and the two of you will spend a lifetime of memories on and off the water... :-)

MacFly [cool]
hes already learning well, like which ball team is the best!
He looks like he had one too many beers...LOL BLUE EYES?
Watch that last picture...looks like he is checking out his next spot to mark.

Speaking of which....have you seen the commercial for the little pee pee patch of grass for your home? Wonder if it works.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][Image: happy.gif]Good luck with your new pooch. How old is he in the pictures?[/#008000][/font]
hes 4 weeks 3 days old today, so ma'ma is still around and he still sleeps with all his brothers and sisters... FG i keep a sharp eye on him when hes out and about.
My dog goes everywhere with me!!!! I have little Peekapom dog that weighs about 11 lbs and meaner than a grizzly bear... Everytime he goes fishing with me and probably enjoys it more than I do... If you go fishing by your self it is always nice to have buddy with you...
Can you take yours if you are river fishing and walking the banks?
That is one thing I wish I could do with Baxter, but he bites people![mad]

On my pontoon he is right at home.
like i said im not worried about mine on the boat.... thats one thing, i want him to stand either right next to me in the river, or on the bank laying there watching me, its going to take alot of time and patience but i have until ice off!!

notice the "Fear No Fish" hat.... hes almost ready!!
your fishing buddy has definately grown a bit since you last posted.. he looks like he is ready to go now.. good luck and cant wait to see how it goes with you two.. :-)

MacFly [cool]
[center][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][Image: happy.gif]Real cute, Kochanut. Looks like he likes to pose for the photographer. Bit of a ham I would say. lol[/#008000][/font]
yea hes a fat &$^^$#%%$ isent he? lol