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I read this in a email today, some newspaper was asking people to write in about how to fix the economy. This one guy wrote: Give 40 million people over the age of 50 a one million dollar incentive to retire. (Sorry Tube dude, you have already retired so you dont count) only catch is they must retire and buy a new car and then pay off their mortgage or buy a new house.

This is a simple solution to solve the economy we are in now. Just think about it for a minute, that would open up 40 million jobs immediatley, then buying 40 million cars would solve the dealerships problems and lastly paying off/buying 40 million mortgages/homes would solve the Banking/housing market problems.

Why keep spending billions and losing it. What do you think??? Cheaper then going trillions in debt bailing out these companies....
short term solution though, but, a 40 million dollar tax hike across the nation really isent that much money at all... then take into account this, what would those folks that retired do for daily expenditures....

where the hell have you been anyway, havent seen you post on here for a while?
after fishing and hunting are over for me I am pretty quiet throughout the winter..... I wouldn't mind getting a early retirement, I think I could manage well on a million for a few years into my old age.... I thnk I could fish and hunt alot for many years with that million plus monthly retirement coming in.... Put me first in line...
There was a article in the NY times or USA Today can’t remember exactly but what it boiled down too was during the initial time of the Bail Out they broke down the total dollar amount and

estimated $76,000 dollars for ever registered taxpaying citizen in America. If distributed to the people ( in which who mostly effect the change of the economy )

That money would have Gone to people buying new cars so the government could have scraped the unsuccessful cash for clunkers program (the government cant get rid of the cars they got and costing more money to break them down)

Would assisted with Foreclosures Scraping the Federally funded programs for people in foreclosures and assisted with people buying new houses.

Would have assisted people with paying old debt stabilizing business owners and generated new income for retail markets.


we bailed out The Banks.

They were given BILLION of dollars who would in turn gave there CEO'S Multi-million dollars salaries and bonuses and are supposedly are to pay it back but atwhat what kind of a loss.
Allot of the banks were put out of commission or aquired by other banks at a much lower cost.

Granted not all that money would stay here in America some would ship money to there families into other countries But looking at the situation most of those bankers who got the multi-million dollar salaries have left the country or reinvest the money in tax free shelters in tax free countries. [mad][mad][mad]
This thing is just tearing my heart out. It isn't gonna have too much of an effect on me 'cause my race is about run. Like it or not, there's one helluva wreck coming in the whole world economy and the ones that're gonna pay the heavies are our kids & grandkids. No government will ever be able to give to the people what it hasn't first taken from them. It's too bad that far far too many of us have lost sight of that fact. The wealthy and super wealthy aren't gonna part with what they've got plus they have too many of the votes in government in their pockets & the rest of us can't shoulder the load.
GREED!!!! That is exactly what is wrong with the economy.... The rich get richer, the poor sit on their but and get money and the middle class work there ass off for pennies.....

The government bailed out all the financial banks and everything else.... Did anyone see that money "no"??? All the money went into the rich's hands while the real workers are forced to pay medical bills, utilities and the neccesities of life..... No one is receiving raises and prices keep on climbing....

What is this called Fascism!!!!There is no Capitalism involved anymore.... The rich run the land and will let everyone else starve if they have their way.....
The real solution is to bankrupt the government. The government spends over 85% of the GDP, this leaves us with 15% of the money we make.
How do you think they can afford those nifty 3 color metal decorations on the sound walls on the new part of I-80? They have lit, programable signs telling north bound drivers on State Street how long it takes to get to get southbound on I-15! Pure waste. You stop the waste by taking away the money and leaving only enough for the services thay are supposed to supply. Like a Military, (which could have budgets cut by 25% right off the bat) a simple highway system (roadway only, no soundwalls, no pretty concrete bridge supports, no landscaping), sewer and water systems. That's it. Welfare? Unemployment? One month for each year in a row worked in the last cycle. On the state level, the same thing. Workers have military surplus buildings to work in , thermostat setat 65 in winter, 80 in summer. 1 car to share amung everybody. Cities and counties the same way.

I was getting a building permit the other day, permits are off 80% yet no reduction in workforce at the office. There was a 23" screen on the womans desk, and a 19". The 26" had a picture of her daughter on it. She said it was to read plans. Roll the plans out and read them, forget the screen.
Cut government income by having a nationwide strike. If the American people cared they would protest by not working on the 1st monday of each week, cutting the amount government collects and forcing it to shrink. (they would cave by week 3 and start listening to the taxpayers)
Next tell China, we're not going to pay our debt. Not one penny of it. China will stop selling to us and we will have to manufacture all of our goods ourselves. This would mean jobs would be created here in the US to provide the needed products.
Next, get off oil and on to NG. Stop feeding the terrorist nations of Saudi Arabia and their ilk and start feeding PA, WV, LA, UT, WY, OK, TX and the rest of the NG producing states.
Last, re-elect no one, ever. One term ponies are all we need. Make it illegal to serve more than one term in a row. Everyone is a rookie, so the playing field is level. No re-election so no donations needed after your in office, lobbiest money is no longer needed and lobbiests have no power.

I could go on and on.
Dunno if I totally agree with the first part of what you wrote but I'm in 100% agreement with your one term idea. Trouble is, almost every person in congress will vote down a tenure of office act so they can keep up the "good ol boy network" that is so successfully ruining our country. I don't remember who said "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." but they were sure right. All the deal making, rider attaching, "you scratch my back & I'll scratch yours", porkbarrell crap is just too good for them to want to leave it behind.
Too man people want short fixes and free hand outs.

Unfortunatel, we live in a "its never my fault society"

IMO, the best economic adviser would be someone who
has lived during the depression. Someone who learned to do without.

We can blame the government for a lot of the problems. However, man of us can look in the mirror and ask ourselves: Did I really need that new car, did I really need that home equity loan, did I really need that many credit cards....... Did I really need everything my parent had/have, that took them their whole life to earn??????
Thats good point of view we are a society of gluttons and our insatiable greed may have been a part of the downturn of the economy.

But my opinions is

1. There was no need to spend trillions of dollars on attempting to democratize a country that doesnt even follow American values. They have there own values why are we trying to assimilate them like robots... let them be.
Yes there were horrible the things that were happening there and Yes we needed to do something after 09/11 but theres horrible things happening every were every. We were duped into thinking there were WMD's and not one shred of evidence was ever proven. And really after trillions of dollars we cant find Bin Laden ??? Are you serious We can put several people on the moon at fraction the cost of this war but we cant find one man ???

2. Why were banks & mortgage companies allowed to:

a: Qualify unqualified people who could not even clear to purchase a Ford pinto none the less 200K+ home. Everybody knows how tough it can be to get a credit card why were these people allowed to purchase homes that were completely outside of there incomes.
b: Then allowed to sell the mortgages on Wallstreet and a greatly inflated cost ?

Whitehouse Analysts predicted the downturn of the housing market and voiced there concerns to Alan Greenspan Greenspan did absolutely nothing to pad the down turn of the market You would have thought at the bare minimum had constituency plan maybe regulate subprime mortgages and cap astronomical increase in interest rates. But nothing was done.... ????
theres one problem..all those working people who are now paying into social security will not be anymore..that would put social security and medicare broke and the already retired would have nothing to collect from...good idea just needs a little more thought..